Definition of



Marketing aims to increase commercial activity.

Marketing or marketing consists of a set of principles and practices that are carried out with the objective of increasing trade , especially demand. The concept also refers to the study of the procedures and resources that pursue this goal.

Marketing involves the analysis of the commercial management of companies. Its intention is to retain and retain the current customers that an organization has, while trying to add new buyers.

The objective of marketing

Marketing techniques and methodologies attempt to provide the necessary tools to conquer a market . To do this, they must address the issues known as the Four Ps : Product , Price , Place (referring to distribution) and Advertising (or promotion).

Marketing aims to position a product or brand in the minds of consumers. For this, it starts from the client's needs to design, execute and control the marketing activities of a company.

Marketing campaigns represent an investment in the company 's relationship with its customers, suppliers and even its own employees. They may also include advertisements in the media. Therefore, marketing actions can be considered from a short-term or long-term profitability point of view.

The guidelines

Specialists affirm that marketing can have different orientations : to the market (to adapt the needs of a product to the consumer 's requirements), to sales (its intention is to increase the company's participation in the market) or to the product (in cases in which the company already monopolizes the market and its attention is only focused on improving the production process).

That said, we can return to the concept of the Four Ps, starting with the product. Let's think about companies that sustain themselves thanks to the creation and distribution of new products with a certain frequency, which can range from a few months to several years, as is the case with mobile phones and video games, respectively. Developers cannot isolate themselves from the world and work ignoring the environment in which they will be released, quite the opposite: it must be a contextualized process .

Digital marketing

Nowadays there are numerous online marketing tools.

This is the point at which marketing becomes so important and necessary for the development of a product. Questions such as “for whom”, “what for” and “what are the alternatives” are some of the most relevant in this framework, and must be resolved correctly to maximize the chances of success . The recipe for product failure is to answer them in the following way: "for me"; "for many things"; "We are not interested."

Such a way of proceeding would be more typical of the artist, who creates in an isolated and spontaneous way, but the industry does not work like that. That is why marketing exists, because a connection with the real plane is needed that allows human and material resources to be used to the maximum in each project. This leads us to the price, one of the features most linked to the real situation and which most affects the results.

Marketing and market research

Market research is very complex, and is not used simply to know whether to "price high or low" a product. It allows the company to balance the entire manufacturing process so that it results in the appropriate price, taking into account factors such as public expectations and competition.

The third P, the place, refers to the point of sale, the way in which the company wants to distribute its product, for which it must study its storage, transportation, duration of the procedure, costs and the most convenient channels. Finally, there is promotion , which can be decisive: a bad, well-advertised product can sell better than a good one that has not been effectively publicized.