Definition of



A little rascal seems to not know the limits of his own freedom

The etymology of mequetrefe takes us to the Hispanic Arabic muẖaṭríf , in turn derived from the classical Arabic muḡaṭrif or muẖaṭrif (which can be translated as "arrogant" ). The term, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), is used in colloquial language to refer to a nosy, importunate or boisterous individual .

Someone insignificant

It is often used, however, in reference to an insignificant subject, whether morally or physically . A mequetrefe is someone who lacks relevance or transcendence .

An important clarification is in order before continuing. While these adjectives that we use to develop this definition can be used arbitrarily to verbally attack someone, it is common for us to call a person who has caused us harm, or who does not recognize the limits of his freedom and overrides ours as if he had more rights than he is entitled to, a “mequetrefe.”

For example: “I'm not going to let any little idiot tell me what I have to do at work, I'm a professional with twenty years of experience” , “Is that little idiot trying to fight me? I think I weigh twice as much as him and I'm about fifty centimetres taller…” , “That little idiot thinks he's a great man but he's nothing more than a poor devil” .

As can be seen in these examples, there is a slight hint of surprise in the word mequetrefe on the part of the subject, who somehow cannot believe that someone "so insignificant" is causing him problems or challenging him. For this reason, although it is an insult, it is usually used in response to a series of attitudes that test patience and good will . It gives us the opportunity to release the tension accumulated by that individual who does not know how to stop in time, who goes over the line and bothers others.

Mequetrefe as a "child"

The idea of ​​a mequetrefe can also be used to refer to a child : “I was just a mequetrefe when I traveled by plane for the first time” , “Today on television I saw a mequetrefe telling jokes that made me laugh a lot” , “When I was a mequetrefe I tried to make a cardboard rocket but the result was a fiasco” .

This meaning of the term mequetrefe is somewhat peculiar, especially if we take into account that until now its definition had a clearly negative and derogatory connotation. But all that changes when it is used to talk about a child. In two of the three examples given above, the subject uses this word to refer to himself in his childhood , while in the second it is about an individual he sees on a television program; in neither case are there negative feelings, but quite the opposite.

Now, we may wonder why we should use this term if we have a child , for example, which is perfectly suitable for talking about a young person and offers us the added benefit that any interlocutor can understand it, regardless of their country of origin, their level of education or their age. Let us not forget that this meaning of mequetrefe is not widely used in all Spanish-speaking regions, nor is it precisely "modern." The main reason for choosing it is that it brings a nuance of tenderness and nostalgia for childhood .

Little rascal boy

It can also be used as a synonym for "child"

As a proper name

“Mequetrefe” , on the other hand, is the title of a song by Arca . This non-binary gender singer, born as Alejandro Ghersi in Venezuela and based in Spain , makes experimental and electronic music.

Mequetrefe , finally, is a rock band founded in Santiago de Compostela ( Spain ) in 2007. Their first album ( “Play Off” ) was released in 2010 .