Definition of



When the Moon begins to wane, the illuminated part that can be seen from Earth is reduced.

Decrease is a verb that refers to the decrease in physical capabilities or to becoming morally wasting away . It can be said that to diminish is to diminish or lessen something . For example: "After a certain age, physical condition begins to decline" , "The challenge is complex, but I am not going to reduce my efforts until I reach the goal" , "The chances of success began to decrease from resignation of the team coach » .

The notion of shrinking, coming from the Latin minuare , is associated with a withdrawal , a retreat or a shrinking . Suppose a company launches a new product on the market . Sales are very good and consumers adopt it quickly. However, shortly after, a competing company begins to offer a similar product, but at a lower price. Sales of the first product, then, begin to decline and are increasingly smaller, while the rival product grows.

The verb wane applied to the Moon

When the verb wane is applied to the Moon , it is referring to the fact that the illuminated part that can be seen from planet Earth decreases. The lunar phases, established from the position of the satellite with respect to the Sun , are divided into New Moon , Crescent Moon , Full Moon , Last Quarter , Waning Moon and Black Moon .

After the full Moon , the visibility of the satellite from Earth begins to decrease since, due to its position in front of the sun, it offers an illuminated face that is increasingly smaller. The Black Moon is the last visible phase until the cycle begins again.


Decreasing stitches is a knitting technique.

Decrease points

When we learn to knit, the first thing we are taught is to create an "endless" rectangle, to consolidate the basic concepts and achieve an even consistency, try different stitches and, in the process, create a warm scarf. But the art of weaving is very complex and, always with two needles and a ball of wool, it allows us to create very diverse shapes and textures.

If instead of making a rectangle we need to give the fabric an irregular shape, or make a triangle, the technique to use is known as decreasing or decreasing stitches . Basically, there are two ways to achieve this objective, and they are explained below:

simple decrease

It is achieved with two stitches, passing the first from the left needle to the right without knitting, knitting the second to the right and passing the first over the latter. Simply put, the point on the right should be on top of the point on the left, which causes the chain to face left.

Decrease two points together

To decrease a work with two stitches, you must take both at the same time, passing the needle from left to right (the first one that goes through must be the second one on the left needle) and then knit the two together to the right. In this case, the point on the left must be above the point on the right, which orients the chain to the right.

On the other hand, a distinction is also made between the following two techniques for narrowing a work, which are based on reducing the number of stitches cast on in each round:

Wane at the end

The needles must be in the normal position and an edge stitch must be made, then a right one (both on the right needle) and, finally, lift the first one with the left needle and pass it over the second until it is removed from the needle.

Decrease in the middle of work

Also with the needles in their normal position, you must knit the stitches that are not part of the section to be decreased, and then knit two stitches together, that is, pass them through with the right needle as if it were a single stitch and knit them as we would do. usually with one.