Definition of



Begging involves asking for alms.

Begging is the action of begging and the state and situation of being a beggar . Whoever begs asks for alms or requests the favor of other people, supporting himself partially or totally in this way.

For example: “The government promised that it will work to eliminate begging from the streets, generating employment for people who are forced to live off charity,” “Begging is solved in two ways: by giving work to beggars who are able to do so.” to work and providing public assistance to those who are disabled” , “Begging on the streets of a rich city is outrageous” .

Begging today

Currently, despite being in the 21st century , many people around the world are carrying out begging (a term from the Latin mendicĭtas ). It should be noted that in Spain , due to the serious economic crisis that occurred a few years ago, the number of beggars has increased considerably.

What's more, sociologists and other scholars have been able to verify how a notable change has occurred in the aforementioned nation regarding beggars. Thus, if before they were mainly people with drug, alcohol or mental pathologies, now a considerable percentage of them are people with higher education and who had enjoyed a good job but who have lost everything with the crisis. what they had.


Begging can have different reasons.

The orders

Typically, begging involves asking passers-by or motorists for money . The beggar can also settle at the door of an area (such as a church or a hospital ) and ask for money from those who enter.

It should be noted that, beyond money, beggars can request other things, such as food , clothing or medicine . What they obtain on the streets allows them to survive or improve their quality of life, if they receive income or some type of help from another party.

There are multiple reasons that can lead a person to beg. Unemployment , an accident or health problem and old age are some causes that lead to the same issue: lack of resources. Begging, in any case, can be a choice due to a refusal to receive social help or even laziness (who prefers to ask for money and not work for it).

Child begging

Child begging is one of the problems that authorities and non-governmental organizations are working on most to put an end to. And there is a large group of minors between 6 and 12 years old who in various countries are requesting alms in order to survive, both themselves and their families.

It should be noted that in this case many of these minors beg because they are forced, pressured and even punished by their own relatives so that they go out to the streets to ask for money.

Sometimes what these little ones even do is accompany their parents, who use them to awaken the sensitivity of the average citizen: as has been revealed, they can even be drugged to make them feel more sad.