Definition of

Flash memory

Before entering fully into the meaning of the term flash memory, we are going to proceed to know the etymological origin of the two words that give it shape:

-Memory, first of all, derives from Latin. Specifically, it comes from "memoria", which is the result of the sum of two lexical components: the adjective "memor", which means "he who remembers", and the suffix "-ia".

-Flash, secondly, comes from English and it must be said that it turns out to be an onotomatopoeic voice, since it refers to the flash of light that a camera makes when it is used to take a photograph.

Flash memory is a type of chip used for storing and transferring data . This technology can be found in cards, USB devices, digital cameras, MP3 players and other technological items.

Flash memoryIt is an evolution of EEPROM : Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory , that is, a type of ROM (read-only) memory that can be programmed, reprogrammed and erased electronically. Flash memory is therefore programmable and electronically erasable, and can also be used as a stand-alone storage unit.

It can be said that flash memory is an EEPROM whose programming and erasing takes place in large blocks. It is based on semiconductors and its reading and writing are carried out through electrical impulses.

When a flash memory device is disconnected, the information it contains is not lost. That is why its transport is possible, carrying data from one computer to another, for example.

As they do not contain moving parts, these memories are easy to transport and use. They also stand out for their resistance and for consuming a reduced amount of energy .

A USB flash memory, also known as a pendrive , is a very useful accessory for saving and reading photographs, music , videos and any other type of file or document. A photographer, for example, can use such a flash memory to store images and then edit or display them on any computer. A writer, meanwhile, has the possibility of using this technology to make a backup copy of his texts.

In addition to everything indicated, we must not overlook the fact that there are currently two types of flash memory:

-NAND flash memory. This has in its favor that it is faster than the NOR and has the peculiarity that it needs to proceed to request what are additional mechanisms. These two features make it the necessary option when you want to replace a memory card .

-NOR flash memory. This one stands out, for its part, because it is slower than the previous one, but also because it gives the possibility of proceeding to carry out random access storage. What this means is that it uses the complete data buses and also the corresponding address. For all the above, we have to indicate that it is the best option when it comes to replacing ROM memory chips.