Definition of



Maximize can be used as a synonym for enlarge.

Maximize is a term that refers to the search for maximum performance . Maximization consists of taking advantage or exploiting certain resources or functions as much as possible.

For example: "We have to buy new machinery to maximize grain exploitation" , "Reducing costs is a necessity if we want to maximize profits" , "Businessmen are wrong if they want to maximize their profits by laying off employees" .

The concept of maximizing in the economic field

The action of maximizing can be developed in different ways in the field of economics and production . Some of the options to maximize a given exploitation are the introduction of technology , cost cutting and any decision that tends to enhance productivity.

In this sense, maximizing the performance of a company can be the same as optimizing the use of its resources, that is, looking for the best way to take advantage of them. The concept of optimization is very present today, also in the world of computing, where it becomes necessary to perform frequent maintenance on devices and look for new and more efficient ways to use their memory to prevent their performance from decreasing after a period of use. usage time.

Graphic environment

The idea of ​​maximizing is frequently used in computer science.

Enlarge or exaggerate

Outside the realm of economics and mathematics, the term maximize can be used in a similar sense to exaggerate , taking a situation to its extremes or even beyond them.

Asking someone not to maximize a problem can be the same as begging them not to make things crazy , not to divert them from their natural course.

Maximize in computing

The notion of maximizing is also used in computer science . Computer programs ( software ) that work with windows , as occurs in operating systems such as Windows , offer the option of enlarging or shrinking the work area. In this way, it is possible that the window takes up the entire screen or, conversely, that it disappears from the user's view and is reduced to a small icon on the taskbar.

Maximizing a window , in this sense, is taking the window to its maximum display. This action is carried out by clicking on the corresponding button, which enlarges the window. Other options linked to window management are minimize (the opposite of maximize) and close: "To see all the available effects, you have to maximize the window" , "I can't work this way: I'm going to maximize the window to have all data on the screen « .

It is worth mentioning that in some applications with graphic content and in certain video games, the maximize action can distort the image. For example, if a program with A x B resolution is run in an environment that exceeds it but also displays a different aspect ratio (also known as aspect ratio ; among the most popular are 4:3, 16 :9 and 16:10) the design can suffer significant deformation. To avoid such situations, developers always have the option of preventing window resizing.

Differences depending on the operating system

One of the first superficial differences that can be seen between the popular Windows and Mac OS operating systems is the position of the minimize, maximize and close window buttons: in the former they are on the right while in the latter, on the right. the left. This may seem like a minor detail, but the change is especially difficult after you have become accustomed to one of them.

Many may wonder why companies do not agree and establish a convention in this regard, but the answer may lie precisely in that small annoyance that, by way of nationalism, attracts each user to their old and well-known operating system.