Definition of



The calculator is a very useful device in the field of mathematics.

You have to go to Latin to be able to find the etymological origin of the term mathematics, since it emanates from "mathematicalis." However, this word comes from the Greek, from "mathema", which can be translated as "study of a topic."

Mathematics is the deductive science that is dedicated to the study of the properties of abstract entities and their relationships . This means that mathematics operates with numbers , symbols , geometric figures , etc.

Types of mathematics

In addition to the above, we cannot ignore that there are two important types of mathematics:

• Pure mathematics, which is responsible for studying quantity when it is considered in the abstract.

• Applied mathematics, which proceeds to study quantity but always in relation to a series of physical phenomena.

Abstract elements and entities

Starting from axioms and following logical reasoning, mathematics analyzes structures , magnitudes and links of abstract entities. This allows, once certain patterns are detected, to formulate conjectures and establish definitions that are arrived at by deduction.

Mathematics works with quantities (numbers) but also with non-quantitative abstract constructions. Its purpose is practical, since abstractions and logical reasoning can be applied in models that allow calculations, accounts and measurements to be developed with physical correlation.

Applications and branches of mathematics

It could be said that almost all human activities have some type of connection with mathematics. These links can be obvious, as in the case of engineering , or less noticeable, as in medicine or music .

It should be noted that, in everyday life, we usually resort to mathematics almost unconsciously. When we go to a grocery store and buy a kilo of tomatoes , the seller tells us the price and we immediately carry out a basic calculation to know which bill to pay with and how much change we should receive.

Square and ruler

Geometry is a field of study of mathematics.

On the other hand, it is possible to divide mathematics into different areas or fields of study. In this sense we can talk about arithmetic (the study of numbers), algebra (the study of structures), geometry (the study of segments and figures) and statistics (the analysis of collected data), among others.

famous mathematicians

Throughout History there have been important mathematicians who have stood out for the contributions and discoveries they have made. Specifically, among the most significant are the following:

• Pythagoras (569 BC – 475 BC). He was a Greek mathematician, considered the first "pure" mathematician, who made important advances in subjects such as arithmetic or geometry. However, perhaps his most significant contribution is that of the famous theorem that bears his name.

Isaac Newton (1643 – 1727). This Englishman is classified as another of the most fundamental mathematicians in the history of human beings. This is due, among other things, to the fact that he carried out the development of integral and differential calculus.

• Leonhard Euler (1707 – 1783). This German is considered the most important mathematician of the 18th century as well as one of the most prolific to date. He made significant contributions to geometry, mathematical notation, logic and applied mathematics.