Definition of


Opposite electric charge

Dark matter has mass that cannot be seen directly.

Mass is a notion that identifies that magnitude of a physical nature that allows indicating the amount of matter contained in a body . Within the system of units used internationally (the International System of Units ), its unit is the kilogram (kg) .

To establish the etymological origin of this term we have to go to Latin because it is found there, more precisely in the word massa . However, it must be emphasized that this, in turn, comes from the Greek madza . This concept referred to a cake that was made with flour.

The mass as a result of a mixture and as a crowd

A mass can be a mixture that arises when a liquid is incorporated into a material that has been previously crumbled , the result of which is a thick, soft and consistent substance.

On the other hand, dough is described as the fusion between flour, water and yeast that is used to make bread . Cakes (the combination of flour and shortening that is baked , usually with a filling) and certain cookies can also be designated as doughs.

The crowd and the large group of people also inspire what is known, in other contexts, as a human mass. For example: "A furious mass destroyed the stadium facilities."

a physical quantity

In relation to physical magnitude, it must be said that the notion of mass has its origin as a result of the combination of two laws: the law of universal gravitation and Newton's second principle . According to universal gravitation, the attraction between two bodies is proportional to the product of two constants (defined as gravitational mass ), which is why it can be said that gravitational mass constitutes a property of matter thanks to which two bodies manage to attract each other. each other.

Based on Newton's second principle, we must remember that the force applied to a body is directly proportional to the acceleration it experiences .

It is important to mention that Newton's laws , as a whole, allow us to explain various problems posed by classical mechanics , especially those that have to do with movement.

According to the criteria of the International Organization of Legal Metrology , the conventional mass of a body is identical to the mass that has a density standard equal to 8000 kg/m3, which manages to balance that body in air under conditions chosen by convention. (air temperature equivalent to 20 ºC and air density estimated at 0.0012 g/cm3).

It is important not to confuse mass with weight . Weight is associated with the action of a force of gravity on a body, being equivalent to the force exerted by the element in question on a support point as a consequence of the influence of the gravitational field on the mass.


Mass with opposite electrical charge is called antimatter .

Types of dough

It is possible to differentiate between several types of dough. Molecular mass , for example, focuses on the mass of a molecule, noting how many times larger it is than the atomic mass unit. The idea of ​​atomic mass , for its part, refers to the mass of an atom.

It should be noted that the value of the molecular mass, in numbers, is equivalent to the value of the molar mass . The concept of molar mass, meanwhile, refers to the multiplication of mass by a unit amount of substance.

Another classification refers to inertial mass , which measures the resistance that a body presents to a change in speed. In other words, it indicates the resistance of the object to register an acceleration due to the action of a force. As for the so-called gravitational mass , it measures the strength of the attraction of gravity on a part of matter that is located in a gravitational field.

Calculations with the stars

To calculate the mass of the stars , the force of gravity is used, considering how long it takes for nearby objects to orbit it and how far they are from it.

Scientists thus estimate that the mass of the Earth is 5.97×10 24 . The mass of Mars , meanwhile, is 6.42×10 23 , while the mass of Jupiter reaches 1.90×10 27 .

Other figures linked to the solar system are the mass of Venus (4.87×10 24 ), the mass of Mercury (3.30×10 23 ), the mass of Uranus (8.68×10 25 ), the mass of Neptune (1.02×10 26 ) and the mass of Saturn (5.68×10 26 ). Even the mass of the Moon (7.34×10 22 ), the mass of the Sun (1.98×10 30 ) and even the mass of the Milky Way (700,000 million times larger than that of the Sun) have been calculated. .

Higgs boson

The Higgs boson is a fundamental particle postulated by Peter Higgs that makes up the quantum of the Higgs field and that allows, for particle physics, to provide an explanation for the existence of mass in this type of elements.

The Mass, Marvel character

In the same way, we cannot ignore the fact that in television and cinema the concept at hand has given rise to the existence of a character that was created in 1962 by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee for the Marvel company. We are referring to the Hulk , also known as The Mass .

One of the most important figures in the world of comics is this one who emerges from the gamma bomb radiation that a scientist, Bruce Banner , receives after trying to save a young man who had been trapped in an army testing zone. What these radiations produce in him is an authentic physical transformation, and when the Moon rises or when he experiences situations of rage and fury, his human appearance becomes that of a green monster with enormous strength and the ability to leap forward. hundreds of meters.

This character was part of the well-known superhero group The Avengers and therefore his fans have been able to follow him through comics, television series and also movies. In the latter case, one of the films that has taken him as the protagonist is "Hulk" , from 2003 , which starred Eric Banna .