Definition of



Makeup is often used to highlight features or hide imperfections.

The concept of makeup refers to the act and result of applying makeup or putting on makeup : that is, using cosmetic products to change the appearance or beautify the face or another part of the body. The substance used for this purpose is also called makeup.

Makeup is used by humans to hide imperfections or highlight certain features . It is usually applied to the eyelids, lips and cheeks, among other places.

The social makeup

Many people, especially women, wear makeup before attending social gatherings. With this practice, known as social makeup , the intention is to look your best.

Social makeup is usually part of a set of practices carried out by the majority of people of a generation, that is, trends or fashions. The power of these movements is such that just as one day they impose the use of makeup, the next they can convince the population that it is no longer necessary.

Hiding imperfections

It is important to note that the use of makeup can transform a face considerably ; If we add to this that there are many people who do not leave their house without applying it, we can come to the conclusion that we almost never see the true appearance of our co-workers, neighbors or even family members.

One of the objectives of those who use this type of products is to hide certain imperfections or scars. In the first group are birthmarks, skin spots and moles; The second covers all those consequences that acne leaves, as well as various accidents that directly damage the skin.

Although no one has a perfect body, most people have a face that we could classify as "normal": they do not exhibit significant defects and their skin has an acceptable texture. This does not mean that they are satisfied with what nature gave them, but rather that they do not live traumatized by it. On the other hand, people who have suffered serious cases of acne or an accident that has left them with significant scars, especially on their faces, usually have many problems adapting to society since they feel deep shame when others look at them.

In these cases, makeup has a practically therapeutic function, it becomes an invaluable resource for leaving the house. Returning to what was said above, a large part of the population puts on makeup before meeting other people, although in reality they do not need it to cover defects but simply for reasons related to fashion ; Those who feel humiliated by their physical appearance, on the other hand, have a much heavier reality, since they generate a dependency on cosmetic products.


Artistic makeup can be constituted as entertainment or a form of expression.

Artistic makeup

Makeup is also used in theater , film and television . Due to the lights used in these areas, glare can occur that distorts the features, something that is corrected with makeup. Makeup can even contribute to the embodiment of different characters .

Artistic makeup , meanwhile, is used as a means of expression or as a form of entertainment. In this case, drawings are made on the skin for ritual, cultural or entertainment purposes.

This type of makeup is usually liked by children . For little ones, displaying lines, scribbles or figures on their faces is funny or part of a game .

It is important to mention that this type of makeup is very old. Many indigenous cultures wear makeup to reflect a sense of belonging, frighten their enemies or show respect for divinities, to name a few possibilities.