Definition of



The planet Venus is known as the star.

Latin is where we can establish that the etymological origin of the term star is found. Exactly it is the result of the sum of the following lexical components of that language:

-The noun lux , which means “light”.

-The suffix -ero , which is used to indicate “permanence” or “origin.”

Venus, a star

The notion of star has several uses. The term is usually used to refer to Venus , one of the planets in the solar system .

Venus is the second planet in the solar system closest to the Sun , behind Mercury . Regarding size, it is the sixth largest planet in the group.

A very bright planet

In the sky, Venus is the brightest object after the Moon and the Sun. That is why it is usually called the Morning Star when it can be observed at dawn and the Evening Star or Evening Star if it can be detected at dusk.

That particular brightness generated the development of various beliefs and superstitions regarding the Morning Star and the Evening Star , although both “stars” are the same celestial body (the planet Venus ).


What shines can be mentioned metaphorically as a star: "His eyes are two stars."

The Morning Star in music, literature and the plastic arts

Precisely the Morning Star has inspired a long list of artists from different disciplines. A good example of this is the song “Lucero del alba” by the rock group Almafuerte or even the literary work “The legend of Lucero de alba” , which is written by the Argentine Javier Villafañe (1909-1996).

To this we must add that even the famous painter Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) represented it in one of his most recognized paintings: “The Starry Night” (1889).

Metaphorically, something that shines or has splendor is called a star. In poetry it is common to point out stars in the eyes . For example: “The arrival of my son was a star in my existence” , “The child watched the spectacle with his eyes like stars” , “When you look at me like that, your stars dazzle me” .

a white spot

A star, on the other hand, is a white spot that certain quadruped animals have on their foreheads. By extension, these specimens are also known as starfish.

A Lucero horse or a Lucero bull , in this framework, exhibits this characteristic . It may be a prolonged star , a lost star , a continuous star or a cord star depending on the characteristics of the white mole.

Lucero as a name

In the same way, we cannot ignore the existence of the Mexican artist Lucero Tena (1938). She is a flamenco dancer, actually called María de la Luz Tena Álvarez , who has Spanish citizenship and has lived in that land since 1958 . He was one of the most important figures who worked in the famous Madrid venue “Corral de la morería” and stood out for his spectacular use of castanets.

He traveled all over the world showing his art and has in his possession relevant recognitions such as the Lazo de Isabel la Católica or even the Medal of the Círculo de Bellas Artes .

Lucero , finally, is a neighborhood in the Spanish city of Madrid and a fairly common surname in Spanish-speaking countries.