Definition of


LordA member of the nobility of the United Kingdom or a high government official is called a lord . Generally it is a title or recognition granted by the Crown .

The lord is usually an aristocrat whose title was bestowed on him or his family by a monarch. This honor gives him the right to sit in the House of Lords and vote.

Parliament , in this framework, is made up of the House of Lords (the nobles) and the House of Commons (the representatives of the people). The House of Lords functions like a Senate ( Upper House ), since the bills promoted by the government are debated by the lords.

The House of Lords has nobles and clergy as members. While in ancient times all positions were hereditary, today most are not. The holders of the seats are appointed by the Crown based on the suggestion of the prime minister.

There is also the title of Lord Chancellor , of great importance to the Government of the United Kingdom. In the hierarchy made up of great state officials , this position is in second place. He is appointed by the sovereign in accordance with the advice of the prime minister .

In the era before the Act of Union of 1707 , the laws passed by the parliaments of England and Scotland to give effect to the Treaty of Union , a lord chancellor was appointed for each of these two countries.

One of the duties of the Lord Chancellor is the custody of the Great Royal Seal (also called the Great Seal of the United Kingdom or Great Seal of the Kingdom ), which symbolizes the approval given by the sovereign to relevant documents at the state level.

The Lord Chancellor is part of the Cabinet and must ensure the correct and efficient functioning of the courts, as well as their independence . In the past, he was in charge of presiding over the House of Lords and no other position in the English or Welsh legal system was above his; However, since the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 , these powers were transferred to the Lord Speaker and the Lord Chief Justice .

LordA Lord Keeper of the Great Royal Seal may be appointed to replace the Lord Chancellor. Both positions have exactly the same responsibilities ; the only difference is the way in which the appointment is carried out.

It is also possible that this office was held by a committee of lords commissioners of the Great Seal , although this practice has lost steam since the 19th century.

In the Royal House, a Lord Chamberlain is also appointed, who occupies one of the most important positions at the state level. He is a privy councilor, an official of the court and must carry out the organization of his functions. Although the Private Secretary for Sovereignty is the senior officer, the Chamberlain has greater weight when it comes to coordination.

Lord Byron (17881824), por otra parte, es el nombre con el cual se conoce a George Gordon Byron. Este poeta inglés, uno de los máximos exponentes del movimiento romántico, fue el sexto baron de Byron.

In the field of fiction , we can find Lord Voldemort , the villain of the saga starring Harry Potter (a creation of the British writer JK Rowling ). The character's "real" name is Tom Marvolo Riddle ; His nickname (or pseudonym) arose from an anagram that allows the phrase "I am Lord Voldemort" to be formed, which translates as "I am Knight Voldemort."