Definition of


TenantOriginating from the Latin word locatarius , the term tenant is used as a synonym for tenant . The concept refers to someone who takes something on lease or rent .

Lease and rent are verbs that refer to acquiring or assigning the use of something temporarily in exchange for payment . These operations are usually carried out by signing a contract that establishes the conditions.

Let's take the case of a property that is rented. The owner of the property is the lessor , while the person who rents it is the lessee . This means that, to live in the house in question, the tenant pays a certain monthly sum (the rent ) to the landlord.

The money , in this link, is delivered by the tenant to the landlord. In return, the landlord grants the use of the home (the rented thing) to the tenant. The rights and obligations of each of the parties are established by a contract, which in turn is framed in current legislation.

Suppose that the contract signed by the tenant and the landlord indicates that the rent payment must be made from the 1st to the 10th of the current month. If, on the 15th , the tenant has not yet delivered the agreed sum to the landlord, he is in default because he failed to comply with one of the clauses of the contract. The landlord, in this framework, is authorized to take the measures provided by law for this type of case. If the tenant persists in non-compliance and accumulates more debts, he or she may even be evicted from the property.

As with any legal relationship, current regulations establish all the aspects that characterize a rental contract, and among them are the rights and obligations of each of its parties. It is important to understand that no step can be taken improvised, but everything must respond to the rules established by the government.

As mentioned above, the first obligation of the tenant is to pay for the use or enjoyment of the property that the landlord grants him. This payment must be made respecting the deadline established in the contract, as well as the manner agreed upon with the landlord: for example, a deposit directly into your bank account or in cash.

TenantAnother of the tenant's obligations is to remain in the home only for the time indicated in the contract, and to leave it when it expires. If you want to move, then you must also pay attention to the conditions you have agreed with the landlord regarding how far in advance you must notify them of your departure.

Keeping the property in good condition is one of the most important obligations of the tenant: he must use it as if it were his property , ensuring its hygiene and the integrity of each of its elements, from the paint to the locks. You should not mistreat him or allow others to do so.

To address potential excessive wear and tear or abuse of the property by the tenant, the landlord has the right to collect an amount of money known as a deposit . If when the day arrives to finalize the contract, the property is damaged beyond natural wear and tear due to the time elapsed, the landlord can keep part of this money or the entire sum to cover the repair costs.

During the rental period, the tenant must invest money and time in carrying out any minor repairs that he deems necessary to keep the property in good condition, and this includes painting the walls and replacing tiles.