Definition of



Locality can be used as a synonym for city.

The concept of locality is usually used with reference to a town or a city . A locality, in this framework, is an administrative division of a territory .

For example: “The national government announced the construction of a hospital in the town of San Marcos” , “I grew up in a small town in the north of the country, but in my adolescence I settled with my parents in the capital” , “The Mexican artist “He will give a show in a Patagonian town before returning to his country.”

Characteristics of a locality

Localities may have a small number of inhabitants or may be highly populated urban centers. There are even towns that, for various reasons, ended up losing their inhabitants and became uninhabited.

A locality, in short, consists of land , buildings and various infrastructures (roads, sewage services, electrical network, etc.). Each one has its own physiognomy and identity, beyond the geographical, cultural and social similarities it shares with the others.


A theater that has 500 seats has 500 seats.

a seat

A locality, on the other hand, is the seat or square of a venue where public events take place . By extension, the ticket that provides the right to occupy one of these seats is known as a seat.

“The seats for the concert were sold out in a few hours”, “The stadium where the final of the tournament will be played has 55,000 seats” y “I think that such an important rock band should perform in a theater with more seats, otherwise many people will be left out due to lack of space” son frases que muestran este uso.

Locality principle

In the field of physics , finally, the principle of locality indicates that two elements that are sufficiently distant from each other cannot exert a mutual influence instantly; Therefore, in a short period of time, each element can only be influenced by its immediate environment.

In other words, to satisfy the principle of locality, a physical interaction can only link two events in space-time in such a way that each of them is inside the double light cone of the other. This means that this principle causes the cause or influence to propagate at a speed that does not exceed that of light, although it can reach it.

In the previous paragraph, certain concepts are mentioned that we must briefly define. Space- time is understood as the mathematical model that merges space and time into a single magnitude, so that they become inseparable. On the other hand, we speak of a light cone , a model that serves to describe the evolution of a beam of light over time.

The contributions of Einstein and other thinkers

Below we review some of the ideas that acclaimed physicist Albert Einstein used to describe the locality principle. Firstly, he talked about the relative independence of two objects that are at a great distance, since an external influence that affects one of them cannot do so directly on the other, which is known as the principle of local action .

He also said that we should not limit the understanding of this principle to action at a distance in terms of electromagnetic force or gravity, but also that no external influence could affect the object that is far away.

In the field of classical mechanics , it is said that the stars are affected by the position of their planets, regardless of whether they are at abysmal distances. In other words, this law proposed by Isaac Newton (the "law of universal gravitation ") spoke of an action at a distance that, according to Einstein, would be impossible.

Precisely, for relativistic mechanics , some scientists, including Einstein, intended to exclude the possibility of any type of action at a distance.