Definition of



In some countries, a store or business is called a store.

From the Latin localis , the adjective local refers to that which belongs to or relates to a place, territory, region or country. It can also refer to the municipal or provincial as something opposite to the national ( "The local administration has requested more funds from the national government" ) and to what only affects one part of the body ( "The operation requires local anesthesia" ).

The local administration , for example, is a type of territorial organization that has powers limited to a certain region and acts on a municipality, while the communal administration is responsible for the management of a commune.

Local characteristics

A locality is an administrative and territorial division. It is a small division that, in the structure of a country , usually belongs to a province, department or state . In general, they have a small number of citizens, who usually know each other and carry out similar tasks, which vary in each region taking into account the resources available.

A localism or regionalism is that expression or word whose use is limited to a specific region; Outside that area, the term loses meaning or, at least, doesn't sound familiar. There are different localisms that separate the Spanish language spoken in Spain from that spoken in Latin America , such as computer/computer, mobile/cell phone or juice/juice.

In a similar sense, we speak of local media to refer to the journalistic media of said space (newspaper, radio , television, etc.), which will first cover news and developments related to local radio. said locality and will give preference to the problems and needs of the citizens of the same.


When a team plays in its own stadium, it acts as a home stadium.

a store

On the other hand, a premises is a closed and covered place . In countries like Argentina , the term local is used to name the physical space where a business that offers products or services to the public is installed; that is, a store or business.

“My aunt has set up a clothing store downtown”, “Jorge had to close the business since they increased the rent for the premises” y “This place is very small, it will not work for our venture” son expresiones que muestran esta acepción.

Locals and visitors

Rivalry is something intrinsic to human beings; reasons always exist or arise between two groups to detest or even harm each other. The sense of belonging to a place or ideology is so strong in certain cases that it is usually reflected in contempt for what comes from outside, whether from another location or another country . These types of attitudes tend to be the ones that sooner or later lead to serious fights that, in many cases, can end with the death of one or more people. For example, between the inhabitants of two different cities or regions, there is a clear aversion that leads them to fight in public spaces, insulting each other and in many cases physically attacking each other.

In the same way, the supporters of a soccer team , when their team plays in their stadium (plays at home) usually insult and in many cases attack those who come to cheer up the opposing team (visiting team). The most striking thing about this type of fights between soccer fans is that the teams that get along the worst are those that come from the same neighborhood, see Racing and Independiente, both from Avellaneda, or Gimnasia and Estudiantes de La Plata, from the city of La Silver.

This hatred, so common between citizens of different regions or ideologies, is fueled with jokes and mocking comments that promote this rivalry not to cease, but rather to be maintained and transmitted from generation to generation among the residents.