Definition of


The etymological origin of the term coastline is found in Latin. Exactly, it must be indicated that it is the result of the sum of two lexical components of said language:

-The noun “litus, litoris”, which means “coast”.

-The membership suffix “-al”.

That which is linked to the coast or the seashore is classified as coastline .

CoastBy extension, the coast of a territory or even a country is known as the coastline. Furthermore, in Argentina and Uruguay , the land strip that is located on the sides of a river is also called coastline.

For example: “The coastline of this nation is very beautiful,” “My grandfather grew up on the coast and settled in the capital only when he finished high school,” “The coastline of this river suffers the consequences of pollution.”

Based on the above, we can indicate that among the synonyms of coastline we find words such as coast, shore, beach, margin, riba or shoreline, for example.

In Spain there is a lot of talk about the Andalusian coast, as it is one of the areas of the country with the greatest tourist interest and the greatest scenic beauty. And it has a great natural and animal diversity as well as a spectacular attraction thanks to its beaches. Specifically, among the most relevant beaches on the aforementioned coastline are Cala de los Muertos in the Cabo de Gata Natural Park (Almería), La Caleta (Cádiz), Bolonia which is in Tarifa (Cádiz), Poniente in Almuñécar ( Granada), Punta Umbría (Huelva) and La Malagueta (Málaga).

In the field of geography , the transition region between the terrestrial and marine ecosystem is called the coastline. This area is understood as an ecological frontier with a rich exchange of energy and matter.

The processes of sedimentation and erosion make the characteristics of a coastline change. Thus it is possible to find beaches, cliffs or sandbanks, to name a few possibilities.

In Argentina , the Litoral is a region made up of the provinces of Entre Ríos , Corrientes and Misiones and the sectors of Santa Fe , Chaco and Formosa that develop near the Paraguay and Paraná rivers. The Iguazú Falls , the Moconá Falls , the Iberá Wetlands and the El Palmar National Park are some of the main tourist attractions of the Coast .

Likewise, we cannot ignore that Litoral is the name of one of the most important food brands in Spain. It was put into operation in 1930, has its headquarters in Gijón (Asturias) and has specialized in packaging typical dishes of the country's gastronomy such as fabada and cocido. A brand that, since 1985, has been part of the Nestlé Group.

Finally, a newspaper from Corrientes and another from Santa Fe , both in Argentina , carry the name El Litoral . While the first already exceeds five decades of history, the second celebrated a century of life in 2018 .