Definition of


Cartesian plane

In a Cartesian plane, different coordinates can be joined with lines.

Line is a term from the Latin linea that has multiple uses. For geometry , it is a sequence of points that extends indefinitely and continuously in a single dimension .

In this sense, a line can be a segment , a straight line or even a curve . The stroke has different lengths and characteristics depending on the context. The line, likewise, can develop in a certain direction and parallel , perpendicular or diagonal to others. For example: "I want you to draw an inclined line that passes through the intersection of the two equal sides of the triangle" , "My teacher asked me to draw two parallel lines" .

A line is also a line that appears on any object or body : "What is that line on the kitchen cabinet?" , "Luckily it was barely a scrape: the accident left me with only a line on the left rear door."

A line, on the other hand, is known as the physical appearance , figure, physiognomy or form, both of a human being and of an object: "I'm going to do gymnastics to keep my line," "On vacation I lost my line." before so many banquets» , «I am fascinated by the modern line of this car» .

Various uses of the term line

Another use of the term line refers to the action or procedure that coincides with certain principles : "The coach once again showed a line consistent with his thoughts," "All employees must maintain a line of conduct that reflects the values ​​and principles." of this company .

The horizontal series with figures that are part of the bingo card, the availability of communication that is carried out by telephone, the group of players who occupy a similar position on the playing field of certain sports, the regular transportation service that completes a A certain itinerary and the type or class of some products are also called a line.

«The woman sitting at that table already sang the line», «The telephone line of my business has not worked for fifteen days», «The home team had a hard time overcoming the rival's defensive line»,«Subway line A allows you to reach the city center» y«The North American manufacturer presented a new line of sports shoes» son expresiones que muestran estas acepciones.

mathematical entity

A vector is a line that allows representing a mathematical entity.

Online life

Communications have certainly changed in the last 40 years, first with the massification of the landline, then with its move to the portable world and, finally, with the arrival of the Internet. At first only a few, and especially those passionate about technology, had access to this revolution that would affect not only the computer world but all people , regardless of their origin, religious belief or lack thereof, age and sexual orientation. .

Along with the birth of the Internet, the world began to learn terms such as e-mail , web and online , and to give new meanings or uses to known words such as form , button and page . Without a doubt, chat was one of the most successful tools of the 90s and even then the presence of older people on the Internet was beginning to be noticed, probably due to linguistic and cultural interests.


With lines and using a vanishing point, it is possible to simulate a three-dimensional space in a drawing, creating depth and perspective.

Always online

The evolution of the Internet has been and continues to be notable, because two opposing trends can be distinguished: a positive one , in that the quantity and variety of information has multiplied exponentially, offering more and more possibilities to those who wish to study on their own. ; and a negative one , referring to the fact that it has become a point of convergence for those who do not want to do anything with their lives since it offers a multitude of activities whose sole purpose is to "pass the time."

In recent years, more and more devices have joined this connectivity fever and today it is rare for someone not to connect to the Internet in one way or another. We have reached an era in which it is now possible to train and work online, a situation that seemed futuristic just 20 years ago. Every day it is more evident that the world we used to know is slowly moving online .

In some ways, a group of friends going to the movies can seem like a story told by our grandparents; meeting in person is no longer necessary; At least it is not so "convenient" , since it leaves us less time to update our status on social networks second by second. We can always meet up with our contacts to watch a movie at the same time and tweet what happens in each sequence.

In any case, these days almost everyone is online permanently, even when they are not paying attention to digital resources. The cell phone or mobile phone with an Internet connection is an inseparable companion of most human beings: all you have to do is pick it up and press the screen to dive into the virtual universe .