Definition of


In order to know the meaning of the term hare, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from Latin, specifically from “lepor, leporis”, which is equivalent to “rabbit”.

A hare is a mammalian animal similar to a rabbit , although with longer legs and ears. It belongs to the order of the lagormophos (it has two pairs of upper incisors) and is characterized by its great speed .

HareHares can measure more than eight inches tall and about seventy inches long. They have the ability to run at more than 60 kilometers per hour and jump up to 3 meters, making them a very elusive species .

More than thirty kinds of hares have been recognized, which make up the genus Lepus . The common hare is called Lepus europaeus , the largest species of this type that can be found in the Iberian Peninsula . The common hare lives on plateaus and plains and takes shelter in shallow burrows.

It should be noted that hare meat is valued in many countries. It is commonly used to make various types of stews and stews.

Specifically, if there are many people who consume hare meat, it is because among its main advantages for the body is that it is very juicy, that it provides a large amount of vitamins (B3, B6 and B12), and that its quality is superior. to rabbit meat and also provides minerals such as magnesium, iron or even potassium.

Among the most common dishes prepared with the meat of this animal are stewed hare, baked hare, rice with hare, stewed hare with mushrooms, beans with hare meat or hare pâté.

In the same way, we cannot ignore that there is a work considered a classic of literature of all time that has the hare as its protagonist. We are referring to the fable titled “The Tortoise and the Hare,” which was written by Aesop.

The Spanish writer Félix María de Samaniego and the French fabulist Jean de La Fontaine were in charge of “versioning” the original work and allowing it to reach many generations of children.

A race between the two animals that give it its title is the central axis of the story, which talks about values ​​such as effort and perseverance.

In popular language, several expressions are constructed using the term hare, such as “run the hare” (going through economic hardship) or “jump the hare” (when an unexpected event occurs). For example : “This government is letting millions of people run the gauntlet,” “We must be careful not to let the hare run.”

In athletics , on the other hand, the runner who is responsible for setting the pace at the start of medium and long distance races is called a hare. Generally the hare does not complete the route, but rather covers a pre-established distance and then leaves.