Definition of



A book is a set of pages that form a volume.

The word book comes from the Latin liber , a term linked to the bark of the tree. A book is a set of sheets of paper or some similar material that, when bound, form a volume .

According to UNESCO , a book must have 50 or more pages. Otherwise, it is considered a booklet . It is worth noting, however, that there are digital books ( e-books , which do not have pages but are files to be read on a computer or on a specific electronic device) and audiobooks (the recording of someone reading, so that the book is accessible to the blind, for example).

What is a book

Generally, a book is known as any literary, scientific or other work that is long enough to form a volume: "The Colombian Nobel Prize winner has presented his latest book", "My dream is to publish a book of poetry" , "I always have a book on my nightstand" .

For example, within the business or administrative field there is also what is known as a book of entries . This is a document that is used to record all the issues that are considered important and vital. An example of this are the books of entries that exist in different companies and whose mission is to be very useful for accounting work.

In the same way, we also use the term "bedside book" colloquially. In this case, it refers to the novel or literary work that we have on our bedside table to read before going to sleep. However, this expression is also used to define all those books that within a specific subject are considered to be the fundamental bases and pillars of the subject and that it is essential for people who dedicate themselves to it to know them and have read them.


An e-book is paperless: it is a digital file that can be read on computers and other technological devices.

Other types

In the educational field we not only use books for different subjects, but there is also what is called a school record book . This is a document that is in the possession of the administration of the different schools and is responsible for collecting all the grades that each student has achieved throughout their time there.

And, of course, we cannot forget the family book , which is a publication that includes the data of a family regarding the marital status of its members as well as the birth of their children.

More meanings of the term book

The concept of a book has some more specific or directly different meanings than those already seen. The libretto of a dramatic work is called a book ( "I have to learn the book to play the main character" , "The book of this work is very complex and requires actors with personality" ).

A book can also be a tax or a contribution : "Now it's time to pay for the books."

Finally, in zoology , a book is the third of the four cavities into which the stomach of a ruminant is divided.