Definition of

HTML language

Before entering fully into the meaning of the term html language, we are going to proceed to discover the etymological origin of those two words that give it shape:

-Language, first of all, derives from the Provencal “lenguatge”, which can be translated as “set of languages”.

-HTML, secondly, is the acronym for the English words HyperText Markup Language. In this case, we have to establish that "hyper" derives from the Greek "hyper" (above); "text" comes from the Latin "textus"; "markup" is the result of the sum of the Germanic "mark" (edges of a territory) and the onomatopoeic "-up" (upwards); and finally "language" which derives from the aforementioned Provençal "lenguatge".

In the field of computing , language is the set of rules and signs that allow instructions to be given to a computer (a computer). Languages, therefore, serve to produce certain types of data, among other things.

HtmlHTML , on the other hand, is the acronym that corresponds to the expression HyperText Markup Language (or, in our language, Hypertext Markup Language ). It is a type of language that is used to create web pages .

In the specific case of HTML, it is a markup language : it uses marks or tags that provide additional information about the presentation or structure of the text. Unlike programming languages, markup languages ​​lack arithmetic variables and functions.

The HTML language defines the content of a web page through code and marks that establish the basic structure. These labels are written between angle brackets ( and > ). Thus, through the HTML language, texts, videos, images and many other types of data can be included.

In addition to everything stated above, we have to establish that in every document prepared with HTML language there are several essential elements. We are referring to the following:

-The "doctype", which indicates the type of document in question.

-The element «

-The "title", which is the title of the document.

-The "body", which is the content of the document.

-The «image» element is another of the fundamental elements in any document and is that they are the images that are included within it.

In the same way, we cannot forget about the headings, which can be of type h1, h2, h3 and h4, in terms of size and importance.

The browser is the software that interprets the HTML language and allows the display of pages on the Internet . The user, in this way, does not encounter the HTML code when entering a website, but instead accesses the interpretation made by the browser. This makes navigation simple and intuitive, without the Internet user needing knowledge of the HTML language to access the pages and interact with them in various ways.