Definition of



An inflammation of the tongue can be generated by an allergic reaction.

Language is a term whose etymological origin comes from the Latin lingua, which was used to refer to the organ that we have inside the mouth and that we use both to eat and to speak.

Precisely because of this last use, that of expressing ourselves, today the term basically has two meanings, which we will detail below, such as the meaning of a mobile organ located inside the palate and that of language .

The tongue as an organ

The word language , therefore, has different uses. One meaning refers to the organ that is found in the oral cavity of vertebrates, it is mobile and allows you to taste food and swallow, in addition to modulating the sounds that are emitted.

For example: "Last night, when we were eating roast, I bit my tongue and hurt myself," "Don't stick your tongue out at me!" "It's rude," "Run your tongue along the side of the container so it doesn't drip."

The tongue is, thanks to its muscles, the strongest organ in the human being. Its back exhibits the so-called lingual V , while on its underside there is the lingual frenulum, which is responsible for limiting movements.

However, expanding a little on the list of parts that make up the anatomy of the organ we are addressing, we have to say that it also has the skeleton , the muscles (genioglossus, amygdaglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus...), the mucosa that is made up of a total of six types of papillae (such as taste bud ) and gustatory corpuscles .

Most frequent diseases

Diseases of the tongue can affect swallowing and speaking, in addition to generating other disorders. That is why it is necessary to prevent them and, when they appear, work on their treatment.

Canker sores are among the most common problems. These are open sores or ulcers that cause pain.

The lingual coating , meanwhile, is a whitish layer that appears on the tongue. Although it is usually associated with poor hygiene , sometimes its appearance can be associated with an infection or poisoning.

Tongue cancer , on the other hand, starts from a lingual tumor. Its diagnosis is made with a tongue biopsy, a small surgical intervention that allows the extraction of a very small piece of the tongue to study it under a microscope.

To prevent oral pathology, it is recommended to take care of hygiene, minimize the consumption of alcoholic beverages and coffee, not smoke, and attend regular dental check-ups .


Those who dedicate themselves to literature have a broad command of the language.

Language as language

On the other hand, the concept of language can refer to language , which is the system that a human community uses to develop communication : «Do you master the English language? You will have to appeal to it if you want to communicate on your trip to Scotland" , "Excuse me, sir, but I do not understand your language" , "The Chinese language is the most spoken in the world thanks to the number of people who live in the Asian giant" .

We can emphasize that there are more than 6,900 types of languages ​​​​around the world. In this sense, for example, it would be worth highlighting among the languages ​​that have the most dialects in German with sixteen; the Arab with almost thirty; the Spanish with a total of forty-seven; the Frenchman with fifty-two; and to English with fifty-six, according to the most widespread records.

These languages ​​should be joined by another possibly less known language, but which also has a set of fifteen dialects. We are referring to Yiddish, which has a German-Jewish origin.

The mother tongue

Regarding the idea of ​​mother tongue , which is also known as popular language , native language , first language or mother tongue , the notion refers to the first language that a person speaks.

The usual thing is that it is the language that is most spoken in the country of birth ( Spanish in Argentina , Portuguese in Brazil , etc.), although it can also be the language of the parents (a Japanese couple living in Chile can teach your son to speak Japanese before Spanish ).

Second language

Learning a foreign language is useful to progress in the world of work.

Learning a second language

Learning a second language is very important nowadays. The mother tongue is not enough to access certain jobs, in which bilingualism and even more polyglotism are valued.

To master a language, it is necessary to know its grammar (including syntax ), its semantics and its spelling . You should also learn about phonetics and the pronunciation of statements.

As the student expands his vocabulary , he can create speeches with more varied phrases. This way you can construct the appropriate sentence that allows you to convey what you want to communicate within the framework of a dialogue .

Beyond the importance of education, it should be noted that there are currently many resources for translation . There are computer programs that function as virtual interpreters and help facilitate communication between individuals who speak different languages.