Definition of


LavenderIn countries such as Argentina , Uruguay , Chile , Paraguay and Bolivia , the idea of ​​bleach is used to refer to the product that, in other regions, is known as bleach . It is a mixture of water and alkaline salts that is used as a bleach and disinfectant.

Bleach is generally sodium hypochlorite that dissolves in an aqueous solution. Due to its characteristics, it is a suitable substance for eliminating bacteria and other microorganisms, which is why it is usually used to clean the kitchen and bathroom.

However, the use of bleach carries certain risks. When it comes into contact with ammonia or an acid , it generates a toxic gas. Because many cleaning products have these components, the combination can be harmful to the body.

Beyond these issues, bleach is very useful due to its broad spectrum of action against microbes. By cleaning correctly with bleach, the disinfection of the surface is guaranteed and, therefore, the risk of contracting different diseases is minimized.

People who use bleach to clean every corner of the house for fear of contracting certain diseases can become victims of poisoning due to not removing all traces of this very toxic product after cleaning or, worse still, put their children at risk. children and animals in the house for this same reason. Just inhaling it represents a danger.

This does not mean that we cannot use bleach to keep our homes clean, but that we must take into account certain tips to minimize the risks of poisoning, both for ourselves and for our loved ones. In fact, one of the problems is that the use of this product is inherited from generation to generation without adequate preparation, but simply becomes a habit that is carried out unconsciously.

One of the best tips is to open all the windows so that the rooms of the house are adequately ventilated. On the other hand, it is not advisable to mix bleach with other cleaning products, since, as in the case of ammonia, the mixture can produce toxic gases. Regarding clothing, there are two issues to take into account: to avoid accidental discoloration of our favorite clothes, it is recommended to wear old clothes; To minimize contact of bleach with the skin, it is appropriate to use rubber gloves .

Gel bleach is a highly recommended product as a replacement for traditional bleach, since it does not splash and eliminates a greater number of germs because it does not slide quickly.

Let's look at some of the most obvious and frequent symptoms of bleach poisoning :

Lavender* burning and redness of the eyes;

* nausea and vomiting;

* cough (this occurs especially at the time of inhalation);

* decrease in blood pressure;

* sore throat or mouth discomfort;

* burning sensation in the esophagus;

* arrhythmia.

If we accidentally ingest bleach, it is recommended to remain calm and avoid causing vomiting. Instead, rinse your mouth with cold water and drink water slowly to dilute the product. Next, it is always advisable to ask for medical help.

Currently, in addition to traditional bleaches that can have various concentrations of chlorine , there are additive bleaches . In this case, the product has some substance that gives it additional properties (for example, to make bleach also degrease).

It should be noted that, when handling a container with bleach, it is necessary to use gloves to avoid contact with the skin : if such contact occurs, rinse with plenty of water. If bleach is ingested by accident, meanwhile, it is essential to go to a hospital urgently.