Definition of



Hand washing is important to take care of your health.

Washing is the action and effect of washing . This verb refers to cleaning something, removing a stain or purifying it . The action can also be developed symbolically, in reference to the intention to eliminate discredit or erase some negative circumstance.

For example: “Washing the car took me more than an hour, but it was a success : the vehicle was impeccable,” “I hope the wash is effective and can remove the stain from the jacket,” “The businessman invested thousands of dollars to develop the washing of his image before public opinion.”

There are multiple types of washing, with very different characteristics. Even in the meaning of the term linked to cleaning , the particularities of each wash depend on the object to be washed.

Hand washing

Hand washing , for example, is usually done with soap and water . Generally, the person turns on the faucet, wets their hands and soaps them. After rubbing the skin with the soap for a few moments, place your hands under the faucet again to rinse them and remove traces of soap. In this way, at the end of the process, your hands no longer have visible traces of dirt.

Washing your hands, however, can have a symbolic meaning and refer to an attitude that has the purpose of not assuming guilt or responsibility : “The minister's handwashing is unacceptable: we all know that he was the one who gave the order.” .

Concealment of funds

Money laundering is the process that conceals the origin of funds generated through illegal activities.

In this way, laundering makes said money appear as the result of a legal activity, when in reality its origin is not.

Thought reform

Brainwashing aims to reform thinking.


Brainwashing is a set of persuasion techniques to modify the way a person thinks and acts). Another name it receives is thought reform since its objective is to alter the behavior, thoughts and beliefs of a person or an entire society, whether or not using coercion , in order to control them and lead them along a certain path, whether be it in religion, politics or any other field.

Although this resource has been used at various times in the history of humanity, it was only in the 20th century that science intervened to achieve more effective results. This knowledge, which at one point was used for twisted purposes, became over time tools that psychiatry takes advantage of to cure its patients, often combining them with the delivery of drugs to inhibit cognitive abilities.

Brainwashing can be achieved through a large number of methods of varying levels of violence, such as food deprivation (to generate in the victims a greater degree of credulity in what they are told and a confusion that prevents them from correctly understanding what they are saying). living) and sleeping (which causes stress and loss of sense of direction).

It is believed that one month is enough to carry out an effective brainwashing and, depending on the case and the strength with which the subject clings to the ideas that are induced, probably very difficult to reverse.

Use of techniques at the government level

This concept is often mentioned in societies whose governments firmly control the information that is published through the media and the educational system, strategically avoiding certain data from the outside world.

These governments seek to instill in citizens a series of values ​​and respect for the country, almost without giving them the option of choosing an alternative (or knowing that it exists). It is a true nightmare that recalls Plato 's allegory of the cave , without the happy ending.