Definition of



Bay leaf is used as a condiment.

The laurel is an evergreen tree that belongs to the Lauraceae family. It has a smooth, straight trunk, raised branches, and generally measures between six and seven meters. Its dark green leaves are petiolate, oblong and aromatic, being very popular in cooking as a condiment .

This tree has small greenish-white or yellowish-white flowers , which are grouped in sessile umbels of four to six flowers. The fruit of the laurel, on the other hand, is ovoid and can measure 1.5 centimeters, being used in certain pharmaceutical preparations.

The cultivation of laurel can be developed in different types of soil , and can be multiplied by cuttings or seeds. It is a plant sensitive to frost that can be attacked by scale insects, aphids and other pests.

Use of bay leaves

The flavor of bay leaf is somewhat spicy, as well as sweet and fresh, and the same is perceived in its aroma. It is recommended to store it in jars and avoid storing it in a refrigerator, to ensure that it retains its qualities and properties to the maximum.

Bay leaves are widely used in cooking . They are usually added whole to flavor preparations (such as stews or casseroles) and then removed before serving, although they can also be crushed and included in dishes. Regarding medicinal use, bay leaf is noted for its properties as an appetite stimulant and digestive tonic.

Marinades, broths, sauces and pickled vegetables are other dishes that benefit from the use of bay leaf, especially if it is hydrated, to achieve the best possible flavor. Although many people fry it, this is not recommended, since when cooked it is no longer as delicious to the palate. As with any condiment, only by trying it in different proportions and forms can we learn to take advantage of it.

Depending on the taste and needs of each person, bay leaves can be used fresh or dried, whole or chopped, and combined with oregano, one of its best complements. The advantage of chopping bay leaves is that the flavor is distributed more evenly throughout the food .

While the first thing people usually think is that any fresh vegetable is preferable to its dried version, there is a reason why dried bay leaves may be better suited for certain dishes: their flavor is considerably milder. The main difference is the bitterness, much less pronounced in the latter, and that is why they are usually used in marinades with oil and vinegar , so that the flavor and aroma of the latter is not so strong.


The laurel can represent a triumph or a prize.

symbolic meaning of the concept

It should be noted that the laurel also has a symbolic use. Mythology indicates that when the nymph Daphne was persecuted by Apollo Zeus transformed her into a tree to save her. Apollo , then, decided to cut and braid two branches, which became a triumphal crown used by those who achieve an achievement or victory. Today, therefore, the laurel is synonymous with a prize or triumph.

The expression "resting on one's laurels" has a certain relationship with this symbology, since it refers to stopping trying once certain achievements have been achieved. Its use is very common in the school environment, to teach students to never settle for success in an exam, or for having passed a period with good grades; Likewise, in the professional world, it is important to understand that learning and development should never end, that every day it is necessary to invest the same energy as the first to avoid stagnating.