Definition of


The term laser comes from the English laser , which is an acronym arising from the expression Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation . This expression can be translated into Spanish as Light Amplification through Induced Emission of Radiation .

LaserA laser, therefore, is a device that allows a coherent and monochromatic beam of light to be amplified through induced emission (or stimulated emission). The concept is also used to name the beam that this type of device emits.

A coherent radiation is one that preserves its phase difference unchanged beyond time . Light waves, in this way, maintain a phase relationship that is constant. Monochromatic, on the other hand, refers to a single color.

A laser has an optical cavity that allows the circulation of light . In this cavity there is an active medium that is responsible for the amplification of light, for whatever requires energy . This energy, in turn, is usually provided by an electric current or another beam of light.

Lasers have multiple applications. With lasers it is possible to record a large amount of information in microscopic spaces, just as is done on a Blu-ray , a DVD or a CD .

A laser can also be used to mark glass, plastics and metals or sublimate various types of materials. This is due to the intensity it can reach.

In the field of medicine , the laser allows surgical interventions to be carried out and contributes to healing. Telecommunications , civil engineering and archeology are other areas of application.

In the same way, we cannot ignore that there is also what is known as a laser sword or lightsaber. It is a fictional weapon that is known throughout the world because it was created for the “Star Wars” film saga, also called “Star Wars.”

It is a sword similar to the traditional one, but with the exception that its blade is a beam of light or energy. Furthermore, it should be noted that when you fight with it it gives off a very peculiar sound, specifically the same one that arises when there is interference.

It is also interesting to know that there are several different types of laser swords. Specifically, we can highlight the following:

-The dark saber, which is black and whose blade resembles that of a katana.

-The shoto, which consumes less energy than a normal lightsaber and has a shorter blade.

-The single-bladed saber, which can block shots to cut all types of materials. It is the most traditional sword in the "Star Wars" movies.

-The double-bladed saber, which can be of various colors and differs from the previous one because it is much more precise and accurate. Among the characters in the saga who use it are Jastus Farr or Darth Maul.

Likewise, it also has other varieties such as the light tonfas, also known as guard shoto, or the light whip.