Definition of


The adjective lacquered , which can also be mentioned as lacquered , is used to describe what is covered with lacquer . The term also refers to the act and result of lacquering .

LacqueredIt is necessary, therefore, to define what is lacquer and what is lacquer to understand the notion of lacquering. Lacquer is called a transparent, brittle and resinous substance that exudes the branches of certain trees. The varnish produced with this substance is called by the same name. Lacaring , on the other hand, is the action of covering with lacquer .

Lacquering, therefore, is the process that is carried out when varnishing with lacquer . The resulting product, in turn, is known as lacquered: lacquered aluminum , lacquered wood , etc.

It can be said that lacquering is a decorative technique that also allows you to protect a material. In some cases, more than twenty coats of lacquer are applied to achieve a shiny, smooth finish with resistance to corrosion and humidity .

If furniture is lacquered, it is not only because it allows the decoration of the furniture to be improved but also because it will make the surface of the furniture much smoother, because it will be much softer to the touch and also because it will achieve that have a more noticeable shine.

To lacquer wood, for example, it is first necessary to clean it and make sure it is dry. Then you have to seal the pores with a coat of primer. Once this is done, the surface must be sanded and dust removed. Only then does the lacquering itself begin with the application of successive layers of lacquer. Between coats, it is advisable to sand gently and remove dirt.

In the field of gastronomy , finally, the idea of ​​lacquering is used in reference to spreading meat with a cream of a certain consistency until a shiny crust is achieved. Lacquered pork are prepared in this way.

In the same way, we have to establish that another of the recipes that use the term that concerns us now is lacquered duck. This is one of the most typical dishes of Chinese cuisine and has become one of its gastronomic ambassadors worldwide.

Specifically, the lacquering process in the kitchen is carried out with the aim of making the food in question much tastier and, at the same time, much crispier.

Sugar or even honey are two of the products that are most used to lacquer meats, for example, and they help them acquire a shiny, honeyed and even caramelized appearance.

To carry out the aforementioned lacquering, the meat in question is spread with the sauce or product that is considered appropriate and then it is placed in the oven so that it is roasted and that hardened and crunchy outer layer is achieved, which will contrast with the more tender interior.

Duck, pork, chicken and even bacon are the meats that are most commonly subjected to the lacquering process. However, it is also something that is usually done with salmon.