Definition of


House of cards

A weak structure is easy to knock down.

The notion of labile has its etymological root in labĭlis , a Latin word. It is an adjective that has several meanings depending on the context.

Fragile and unstable

Something labile is fragile and unstable . This means that it can easily break, slip or disintegrate .

For example: “The slightest breeze can cause such a fragile structure to fall” , “The boundary between life and death sometimes becomes fragile” , “I was hospitalized for three weeks and I still feel a little fragile” .

Weakness , decay and insecurity are other ideas that are associated with the term labile. The opposite of this concept is represented by strength, firm and secure.

A labile substance , in this context, is one that exhibits marked instability . In this way, the labile compound can be transformed into a different one in a simple manner.

Emotional lability

Emotional lability , on the other hand, is linked to sudden and abnormal mood swings. This peculiarity, in some cases, is caused by neurological injuries or diseases.

Those who suffer from emotional instability may experience and express their emotions in an exaggerated manner. Laughter or crying fits at inappropriate times are common, causing discomfort in the person and confusion in those around them.

The so-called labile affect , therefore, is a variability of affective expression that is not normal . It is characterized by rapid and repeated changes in mood.

It is important not to confuse emotional lability with bipolar disorder . While lability is not a pathology , bipolar disorder is a mental health illness that must be diagnosed by a psychiatrist.

Causes and symptoms of emotional lability

The most common cause of emotional lability is an alteration in the person's brain, which can be understood as a defect or failure in the region responsible for regulating emotions, more specifically, in the limbic system . This can occur as a result of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a stroke, epilepsy, a traumatic injury or multiple sclerosis.

It can also be caused by the frequent and excessive consumption of substances such as drugs and alcohol. One of the evils of modern life, stress , is also a possible cause of a labile emotional system, as it is often accompanied by a lack of balance in daily life. Finally, we can mention traumatic situations on an emotional level, especially those that occur during the first years of life.

Once a person suffers from emotional instability, his or her life changes and begins to be characterized by some of the following symptoms:

* difficulties in controlling anxiety;

* relationship problems, both in relating to each other and in maintaining the bond for long periods;

* decrease in interaction with other people beyond the work or strictly obligatory sphere;

* isolation and feeling of having no one to lean on;

* guilt and shame for all of the above.

frustrated man

Social isolation and difficulty in relating are symptoms of emotional lability.

Emotional lability and therapy

As we can see, emotional instability can seriously affect social life in all areas, from personal to work and school, so its severity is considerable . To combat this, it is possible to resort to therapy.

In this context, the professional begins by identifying the cause of the problem in order to help the patient learn to master it little by little. Issues related to guilt, shame and low self-esteem , among others, can be treated through therapy so that the emotional system leaves its labile state and regains strength.