Definition of


The concept of kaizen is formed from two Japanese ideograms : kai (which can be translated as "change" ) and zen ( "beneficial" ). It is a notion used in the corporate sphere that refers to a process of continuous improvement based on concrete actions.

KaizenKaizen appears as a management method that involves all the members of an organization, from lower-ranking workers to managers. This tool aims to optimize the company 's competitiveness and productivity through small steps.

The philosophy of the kaizen method is based on teamwork and immediate changes . The various levels of the entity must be aligned behind the same objective and must be willing to establish modifications at the moment, since they are simple, concrete and inexpensive actions.

In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore that the aforementioned kaizen method is based on five steps or phases, which are also known as the five S's:

-Seire, which can be translated as "organization." That is, you have to focus on order and organization: everything must be in its place.

-Seiton, which is equivalent to "reduce searches."

-Seiso, which is synonymous with "cleanliness." It indicates that when everything is clean and in order, the procedures are significantly facilitated.

-Soiketsu, which means "standardization and simplification of processes." With this step, what we try to promote is the maintenance of order, organization and cleanliness not only of the facilities but also of the people in question.

-Shitsuke, which is equivalent to "discipline and good work habits." What this means, fundamentally, is that it is essential that both people and the existing rules be respected.

It is important to emphasize that kaizen considers time as a strategic and scarce resource that should not be wasted. This resource is valuable for all companies, regardless of their size. Therefore, for a continuous improvement process, it is essential to control time precisely to get the most out of it.

To implement the principles of kaizen, it is essential to develop the capacity for analysis, promote motivation and evaluate the results of decisions. The idea is that kaizen becomes a work and even life philosophy adopted by all the members that make up the structure.

In order to achieve the success of the kaizen method in question in a company in question, it is essential not only to promote teamwork but also to have managerial leadership, that is, from above. Likewise, it is necessary to train, to have clearly innovative thinking, to have control of the aforementioned teamwork and, of course, to promote, share and highlight the successes that are achieved.

With kaizen, in short, the continuous and systematic execution of improvements helps eliminate defects and shortcomings. The premise is that the simpler and simpler the better.