Definition of



A jargon is a kind of dialect.

Jargon is a particular and familiar language that members of a certain social group use among themselves. This type of dialect can be difficult to understand for those who are not part of the aforementioned community.

Slang is usually created to hide the meaning of words. This is the case, for example, of prison jargon , used by prisoners to prevent their possessions from being captured by the authorities. This reason means that the terms used in slang are temporary : once they are adopted and their use becomes widespread, they are no longer used.

Jargon and sense of belonging

There are slangs that arise due to geographical reasons and that, over time, can become part of a regional dialect. There is no intention, in this case, to hide the meaning of the words, but rather they arise from the sense of belonging and the intention to differentiate themselves from other groups .

Specifically, we can establish that jargons can be classified into two large groups: social jargons and professional jargons.

Social ones, as their name indicates, are those that can be created by different people with two different objectives: to differentiate themselves from the rest or to avoid being understood by others. Thus, by name, in this category we could establish those slangs that are used by urban tribes or groups of adolescents, for example.

Professional jargons , on the other hand, are developed to precisely name certain procedures or instruments. Given the importance of understanding these terms for the development of a profession, there are dictionaries about these jargons.


Jargon can contribute to a sense of belonging.

The slang

It must be emphasized that it is common for slang terms to be confused with slang terms. In this case, the differences between both concepts are not perfectly determined and they can be used interchangeably.

The notion of slang is often used as a synonym for slang , which is a social jargon that is generally associated with vulgar expressions. In Argentina and Uruguay , the slang that contributed numerous words to the lyrics of tangos and other popular genres is known as lunfardo .

“This kid is a fool, hey, he plays it cool but he always travels by bus” is an example of the Argentine lunfardo that would be equivalent to something like “This guy is a liar, he says he has a lot of money but he always travels by bus.” )” .

A term that comes from slang is jargon, which is used to define any language that is difficult to understand.

Other uses of the slang concept

However, in addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore the fact that jargon is also a term used with other meanings. Thus, this word defines a mattress that is made of either straw or grass.

In the same way, it is also used to refer to a type of fabric that is identified by being very thick and rough.

And all this without forgetting the expression “leave” in slang either. It is a colloquial verbal expression that is used to make it clear that something has only begun and, therefore, has not been finished.