Definition of


MigraineThe classical Arabic word šaqīqah came to Hispanic Arabic as šaqíqa , from which the term migraine comes. This is the name given to a very intense headache that usually appears recurrently.

Migraine is felt on one side of the head and is linked to vascular problems in the brain . In some cases the disorder also includes nausea and vomiting .

Also called migraine , migraine is a type of headache . It is a pulsating discomfort that affects women more frequently and in which genetic predisposition plays a relevant role.

High blood pressure , allergic syndromes, anxiety disorders and liver disorders can cause migraine. In general, a distinction is made between tension headache (the most common), cluster headache (which breaks out in successive attacks) and secondary headache (caused by a brain tumor, meningitis, flu or other causes).

It should be noted that various environmental factors can cause migraine. Stress , fasting, consumption of certain foods and drinks (coffee, red wine, chocolate), lack of sleep and even abrupt changes in atmospheric pressure appear among the possible causes of this headache.

Once the migraine attack has started, the most common treatment consists of the use of painkillers and rest. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen are the most chosen. In any case, when these symptoms appear - and especially if the migraine is periodic and disabling - it is best to consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

What is known as ophthalmic migraine , on the other hand, is a crisis of headaches accompanied by other symptoms, particularly alterations in vision. Other names for this disorder are ophthalmic or optical migraine. Just like the common migraine, this one also especially affects women.

Its main symptoms are also shared with the common migraine:

* a headache that starts very quickly and usually affects only one side;

* the progressive increase in pain along with the evolution of the crisis;

* due to physical exertion, exposure to certain sounds or light, the pain becomes more intense;

* nausea and/or vomiting.

MigraineWhat differentiates ophthalmic migraine from the common one are the visual signs that accompany these symptoms , and which can appear before or after the attack. Among them the following stand out:

* blurred vision;

* scotomas, very small dots that appear in the center of the visual field and that sometimes appear along with flickering lights called flashes . In some cases its extension can cover the entire field of vision, making the subject's situation considerably more difficult;

* double vision .

Although the possible causes of ophthalmic migraine are many, it is possible to summarize them in the following six:

* few hours of sleep or alterations in usual rest patterns;

* hereditary genetic factors;

* hormonal changes;

* constant exposure to stressful situations;

* consumption of tobacco or alcohol very frequently;

* consumption of certain drugs or foods.

Regarding the treatment of ophthalmic migraine, we can say that it varies according to its approach, which may be to address the symptoms seen in the attacks or to prevent them and reduce their frequency and severity. In cases that include photophobia , meaning that light affects the patient in a negative way, it is recommended to rest in the dark. Analgesics can be used to treat pain, and for those who suffer attacks too frequently, propranolol or other similar molecules can be administered to make everyday life easier.