What does it mean


Japanese flag

Japan is a country located on the Asian continent.

Japan is an island country located in East Asia, between the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of ​​Japan . If you look at a map, you can see it to the east of Chinese territory, Russia and the Korean peninsula. Japan comprises more than 3,000 islands and has the tenth largest population on the planet, consisting of around 127 million individuals .

Tokyo , the capital of the aforementioned country, is designated as the largest urban portion in the world in terms of population since it exceeds 30 million inhabitants .

The word Japan has its origin in the term Nippon , whose literal translation in Spanish is "the origin of the sun." For this reason, the official and original name of the Japanese nation is Nippon-koku , that is, "the country of origin of the sun."

Form of government of Japan

Japan 's form of government is a constitutional monarchy , with an emperor and an elected parliament (the Diet ), since adopting its 1947 constitution,

Currently, Japan stands out worldwide as one of the most powerful economic powers and a leading nation in issues related to technological development . The country is involved with bodies such as G8 , G4 , the United Nations and APEC .


Japanese culture has ancient roots.

economic progress

Japan 's economic progress has been going on for almost half a century. Specialists attribute the success to the control over imports, the large investment carried out in the interior of the country and the strong export policy promoted by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry . This combination of factors has allowed Japan to have a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of more than $5 trillion annually .

On the other hand, it is worth noting that Japan is the second country with the greatest equity in per capita income . Furthermore, Japan is said to be one of the friendliest, most polite, and helpful societies in the entire world; and it has, on the other hand, very beautiful places to spend the summer, where you can practice diving, attend traditional festivals, among other magnificent options.

Japan culture

The Japanese people have suffered a lot throughout history, sometimes due to natural causes , such as earthquakes ( Fukushima in 2011 ) that have devastated the country and other caused causes , such as the atomic bomb ( Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 ), which destroyed a an important part of society and that meant an indelible mark in the history of this country. Despite this, Japan enjoys an amazing attitude of work and commitment and always knows how to bounce back no matter how hard the falls are. Possibly because "the country of the rising sun will always emerge from its ashes and rubble, to once again become the greatest power in the entire world."

For the formation of its culture, Japan has received contact with Chinese and Korean culture and also its relations with the West , and they are also responsible for the massacres committed on their part against the civilizations of Korea , China and Manchuria , and for the Second World War .

Your story

The history of this country is divided into seven ages: prehistoric (senshi), protohistoric (genshi), ancient (kodai), medieval (chûsei), premodern (kinsei), modern (kindai), and contemporary (gendai) and each one in turn it is divided into more specific periods.

Regarding the art of this country, it has religious, ceremonial roots and characteristics and with a marked respect for nature, which can be clearly seen in the landscape paintings that have a lyrical and contemplative tone.

Buddhism , whose origin is found in India, spread throughout the Asian continent, reaching Japan, where it was adopted by many citizens. It is intimately connected to the early works of art of Japan and is possibly why art in this country has a mystical and spiritual essence .

The Japanese people have great respect for their ancient culture , and although the common features of the people change over the centuries, the essence does not change, what gave life to the emergence of this town and in the art, even today you can notice a common modifier with traditions , the love for nature and life.