Definition of


Before entering fully into the meaning of the term itinerant, we are going to proceed to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from Latin and that it is the result of the union of several lexical components of said language:

-The noun “iter, itineris”, which can be translated as “way” or “journey”.

-The suffix “-nte”, which is used to indicate “agent”.

The adjective itinerant is used to describe one or something that moves from one place to another . The itinerant, therefore, is itinerant : it does not have a headquarters, a residence or a fixed, stable or permanent place.

Among the words that can function as synonyms for itinerant are migratory, wandering, nomadic, transhumant and even wanderer. On the contrary, among its antonyms we find terms such as quiet, passive, perennial, enduring, settled or rooted.

A traveling museum , for example, stores and exhibits its pieces in different buildings that do not belong to the institution in question. In this way, you can exhibit your works in any city that receives it, contributing to the dissemination of your collection and facilitating access to it. It should be noted that there are museums with stable headquarters that hold traveling exhibitions .

Similarly, traveling theater is carried out through tours that travel through multiple locations or nations. In some cases, the traveling theater even moves with the physical structures that the show requires for performances to take place. An example of this type of traveling theater is the circus with its tents that can be set up in any town.

In the field of economics and the environment, the term shifting agriculture is also found. This is an attempt to mention the subsistence agriculture that is carried out in some areas of the world and which consists of betting on rotating crops.

Shifting agriculture is carried out in areas of dense vegetation. People create clearings between trees and plants, burning specimens to obtain ashes that act as fertilizers for the land. Because the soil is losing yield, farmers are forced to move frequently, causing deforestation with their activity.

Specifically, it involves opening gaps in the vegetation to be cultivated and for farmers to burn the trees so that their ashes are responsible for improving soil fertility. Plant species that later regenerate.

Among the advantages of this type of agriculture are, as we have mentioned, that the fertility of the soil is improved, but also that its acidity is reduced. In addition, the presence of weeds and microbes is reduced while the area is cleared of vegetation. On the contrary, among its advantages is the one that has very little productivity.

Many sporting events, finally, are traveling: their venue changes with each edition. The Soccer World Cup , to cite one case, had its last editions in South Africa (2010), Brazil (2014) and Russia (2018).