Definition of


Isotonic drink

The isotonic drink has mineral salts and sugars with the same osmotic pressure as blood.

The concept of isotonic can be used in different areas. In the field of chemistry , solutions that have the same osmotic pressure when they are at the same temperature are classified as isotonic.

Isotonic solutions

It should be remembered that a solution is a mixture that is obtained when a solid is dissolved in a liquid. Osmotic pressure , meanwhile, is the pressure exerted by the particles of the solvent (the substance that dissolves) on the semipermeable membrane that establishes a separation with the most concentrated element. Temperature , likewise, is the physical magnitude that indicates the degree of heat of the environment or of a body.

Returning to the idea of ​​isotonic, two or more solutions are isotonic when, at the same heat level, the solvent particles of each one exert the same pressure on the semipermeable membranes.

Isotonic drinks

An isotonic drink , on the other hand, has mineral salts and sugars that have the same osmotic pressure as blood . These products are used to recover substances that are lost after performing high-intensity physical activity.

Isotonic drinks contribute to the absorption of water , promoting hydration. They also provide calcium, magnesium, vitamins and other elements to the body. It should be noted that certain "sports drinks" are currently marketed that may lead us to think that they are isotonic, although this is not the case; To be sure, we must take a look at their composition before buying them. In other words, many of these are nothing more than soft drinks in disguise.


As mentioned above, the isotonic drink has a specific function, which is reflected in its composition, which coincides with human blood in the concentration of compounds in solution . For this reason, we should not consider it a soft drink, but rather use it to complement very intense and extensive sports training, lasting more than an hour and requiring performance typical of the competitive or professional field. It can also help us if the weather conditions are not favorable.

This does not mean that we cannot drink an isotonic drink simply for pleasure, outside the context of sports training. However, the important thing is not to overdo it, not to do it habitually, but sporadically. Otherwise, we risk damaging our heart or kidneys , in addition to altering the proportions of the body's fluids. Precisely, if we simply need to recover fluid from an activity such as having walked a lot, it is better to drink mineral water.

Regarding the way to drink an isotonic drink, it is recommended not to cool it too much and sip it slowly but without long interruptions, something that can be applied to any drink, including water. Given that teenagers and children lose a smaller amount of mineral salts when they sweat than an adult when exercising , this product is only recommended for those who are young .

If a minor ingests mineral salts that he or she does not need, the risk of suffering from hypertension increases. It is also appropriate to note that the isotonic drink contains rapidly absorbed sugars that in a person who is too young can cause obesity or cavities. Regardless of age, those who have kidney disease or hypertension should not consume a drink of this type.

Isotonic athlete

It is recommended to drink an isotonic drink in situations of intense exercise

muscle tension

For physiology , finally, isotonic is what keeps muscle tension constant . The continuous, passive and partial contraction of a muscle is called muscle tension .

An isotonic contraction implies that the muscle fibers register a change in length . If the muscle shortens, it is a concentric isotonic contraction ; If the muscle lengthens, the contraction is isotonic and eccentric .