Definition of



The iris is responsible for separating the anterior chamber from the posterior chamber of the eye.

Iris is a concept that derives from the Latin language , although its etymological root lies in the Greek îris . The term has different uses depending on the context.

The colored disc-shaped membrane found in the eye of humans and various animals is called iris. In the center of the iris appears the pupil : an opening that allows light to enter.

Iris characteristics

Located behind the cornea , the iris constitutes a separation between the posterior chamber and the anterior chamber of the eye. Thanks to two muscles, it can dilate or contract the pupil.

The color of the iris depends on genetic issues. Depending on the quantity and distribution of cells that present melanin, the iris acquires one or another tone, defining the eye color.

It should be noted that the eye is the central organ of vision. Its function is to convert light energy into electrical signals, which are sent through the optic nerve to the brain.

The crystalline lens (a lens) and the retina (a tissue that is sensitive to light) are two of the structures that are part of the eye. Light enters through the pupil and passes through the lens, allowing it to be projected onto the retina. There it is transformed through the intervention of photoreceptor cells . The presence of aqueous humor in the chambers of the eyes is key to ocular function.

It is important to indicate that there is a pseudoscience known as iridology , iridiology or iriology , focused on the supposed possibility of analyzing the state of health of a person through the observation of their iris.

Eye disorder

Iritis is an eye disorder or disease that affects the iris.

Other uses of the concept

Iris, on the other hand, is the noble opal : a type of opal that is characterized by its high level of transparency . Opal, meanwhile, is a siliceous mineral that can have various shades.

In botany, a plant genus of the iridaceae family is also called iris. These plants (like the lily ) are noted for their colorful flowers.

The iris is a perennial plant with three sepals. Due to their shape and stigmas, these flowers are important for pollinators.

In gardening , growing iris flowers is very popular. These species are included in garden design due to their ornamental value and because they can be used to make a floral arrangement, for example.

Eye health

Given a certain ophthalmological diagnosis, partial extraction of the iris (iridectomy) can be carried out to recover ocular health.

The rainbow

The rainbow or rainbow , meanwhile, is an optical phenomenon that is produced by the reflection or refraction of the sun's rays on water droplets.

This is generated when precipitation is recorded and sunlight reaches the sprayed water: from the Earth's surface, observers perceive an arc with the seven elemental colors in the sky.

Aristotle is mentioned as the first thinker to focus his attention on the rainbow. Beyond the interest that the phenomenon aroused in science, it was always associated with mythology, legends and even religions.

Currently, the colors of the rainbow also inspired the development of the LGBT flag (which identifies the group of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals). The American designer and activist Gilbert Baker is identified as the person responsible for this association. Long ago, however, the rainbow flag represented other groups and causes. In this sense we can refer to the wiphala , which is an emblem used by the Aymaras and other Andean peoples.

The term as a name

In the same way, we cannot ignore that the figure of Iris appears in Greek mythology. This is the daughter of Thaumante and Electra , as well as the sister of Arce and Harpies . It must be established that she is represented as the goddess of the rainbow who is responsible for announcing the union that is established at the end of the storm between Earth and Olympus.

Her figure is so significant that she even appears in "The Iliad" , where she is presented as the messenger of the gods, and also in "Heracles" by Euripides . Specifically, it is said that she is responsible for bringing messages from the gods to humans.

Nowadays there are women called Iris . It is usually indicated that those who respond to that name are energetic people, with courage and bravery, authoritarian and very passionate in all facets of their life.

Among the well-known women named this way is the Irish writer Irish Murdoch ( 19191999 ), who has gone down in history for works such as “Under the Net” ( 1998 ), “An Unofficial Rose” ( 1962 ), “The black prince" ( 1973 ) and "The sea, the sea" ( 1978 ). Some of these works were adapted to film and even the seventh art made a film about her life titled "Iris" . This film was released in 2001 under the direction of Richard Eyre and focuses, above all, on the years in which the author, who is played by Judi Dench , suffered from Alzheimer's.