Definition of


Before entering fully into the meaning of the term disability, we are going to proceed to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can emphasize that it is a word that comes from Latin, since it is the result of the union of these two lexical components:

-The term "invalidus", which means "that has no value or force."

-The suffix "-ez", which is used to indicate "quality."

Among the words that function as synonyms for disability are incapacity, decline, weakness, atrophy, weakness, stagnation, paralysis or even handicap. On the contrary, among its antonyms we find strength or usefulness.

Disability is the condition of being disabled . In the case of human beings , a person who suffers from a mental or physical defect that makes the development of certain actions or activities difficult or impossible is classified as disabled.

DisabilityIn this way, disability implies a state of incapacity, which can be partial or total and provisional or permanent . The formal or legal definition of disability varies according to each country and is very important to determine the functioning of the pension, insurance, etc. system.

In some nations, people who have an intellectual or physical disability greater than a certain percentage can apply for a disability withdrawal . It is a benefit provided by the State , granting an amount of money to the subject so that they can cover their needs, taking into account that they are not in a position to work to generate their own income.

The situation of someone who suffers from a permanent work disability and requires the continuous support of another person to carry out the basic actions of daily life is known as great disability .

What's more, we can establish that great disability is the highest degree of disability that a person can have. This means that whoever has it not only cannot perform a job but also needs the assistance of another person for their daily life, such as carrying out personal hygiene tasks, moving from one place to another. to another and even to be able to dress.

In Spain, workers who have the aforementioned major disability have the right to receive 100% of the regulatory base, in addition to receiving a supplement for it.

Of course, in order for this situation to be recognized, you must not have reached the age of 65, you must have completed the required minimum contribution period and, in addition, you must be registered in a similar situation (forced leave of absence, collecting unemployment, maternity, paternity...).

Typically, a medical board is responsible for analyzing each particular case to determine, according to objective criteria, the subject's disability. There are cases in which a man seeks to be declared disabled in order to receive the corresponding pension and thus not have to work, when in reality he does have the necessary physical and mental capabilities to fulfill work obligations. If the medical board considers that disability should not be declared, the pension is rejected.