Definition of


Armed forces

The intervention of one State in another can be carried out through armed forces.

Originating from the Latin word interventĭo , intervention is the action and effect of intervening . This verb refers to various issues. Intervening can be the act of directing the affairs that correspond to another person or entity.

Within the political sphere we would also have to highlight the existence of what is known as humanitarian interventionism. We could say that it is an intervention that one or several States carry out in another without the latter's consent and using the force they have.

Characteristics of political or military intervention

Specifically, if they undertake this action it is with the clear objective of protecting the ordinary population, who are being violated and who are defenseless against the actions of their government that are leaving them without rights. Hunger, poverty, wars, cases of emergency and even cases of genocide are some of the situations that lead to humanitarian interventionism taking place.

When we have stated that they enter another State, we have made it clear that they do so using their armed force, that is, their army. And that can be of two types: temporary or permanent.

Historical examples

There are many cases that throughout history serve as a clear example of this type of force. Thus, for example, among all of them we could highlight the arrival of NATO troops in Afghanistan as a tool of the missions developed by the United Nations.

A military intervention is the sending of troops to control a situation, a function that should be fulfilled by other types of forces or other authorities. In international relations, intervention is associated with temporarily directing the internal affairs of another nation .

The invasion of Iraq by the United States and other powers is an example of intervention, both military and political. The North American authorities and their allies decided to take power in the Asian nation to force a change of government , under the pretext of global security and the well-being of the Iraqi people themselves. Ideological and political issues aside, the truth is that each people has the right to self-determination without foreign interference.

In federal regime countries, on the other hand, intervention takes place when the central government assumes command and control of states or autonomous entities. These situations occur when the country's government relieves the provincial authorities due to some type of conflict and appoints an intervener until the situation is normalized and the rulers are re-elected.


In medicine, a surgical operation is called an intervention.

The surgical intervention

For medicine , an intervention is a surgical operation : "We had to subject the patient to an intervention to facilitate blood circulation," "The victim of the robbery could not endure another medical intervention and ended up dying at four in the afternoon."

In this sense, it should be noted that there are two main types of interventions of this kind. Firstly, there are exclusively surgical ones, including oncological, plastic, neurosurgery and pediatric surgery.

Secondly, there are medical-surgical interventions such as those related to gynecology, ophthalmology or traumatology.