Definition of

Line spacing


The concept of line spacing refers to the vertical separation between the lines of a text.

Line spacing is the space between the various lines of a text . It is, therefore, the vertical spacing that separates the words that are written on the different lines.

The idea of ​​line spacing appears in word processors and programs that allow you to create and manage content. For multiple reasons, a user may wish to modify the line spacing of their documents depending on the occasion. Sometimes a small spacing is needed, with little distance between the lines, while in other cases a larger spacing is required (with the lines well separated from each other).

Example of line spacing

Let's look at a specific example. In the Microsoft Word 2010 word processor, which is part of the Microsoft Office 2010 office suite, it is possible to define the line spacing of the text of a document by entering the "Page Layout" tab and then "Paragraph" . There the user finds several line spacing options: "Single" , "1.5 lines" , "Double" , "Minimum" , "Exact" and "Multiple" .

If the person starts writing with “Single” spacing, but then selects the text and chooses the “Double” spacing alternative, they will notice how the space between the lines grows. This means that "Double" spacing offers greater vertical separation between the lines compared to "Single" spacing.

Generally, the measurement of line spacing begins at the baseline of the text line, with the "baseline" being understood as the invisible strip on which the letters that do not have descending features rest, and reaches the line of base that records the previous line.


In the days of typewriters, line spacing could also be modified.

The concept in the age of typewriters

Although in this era typewriters are part of an almost arcane existential plane, which few people remember or have known, it is important to highlight that until not many decades ago they represented the only way to print a text at home . and that they also had a mechanism to modify the line spacing, although it was not in as complex and detailed a way as computers allow us.

The process of changing line spacing on a typewriter is much more direct and simple than on a word processor: just adjust the value on the lever or the corresponding rotating piece, and that's it. Of course, this agility when configuring the document went hand in hand with a disadvantage to take into account: once we started using the new spacing between lines there was no way to "undo" our work, since each letter was printed immediately on the sheet.

It is curious to think that the immediacy of typewriters is an advantage and a disadvantage simultaneously : without the need for an electrical power source, without the possibility of the operating system failing and losing our work and without having to wait for the document is printed, we can grab a typewriter and start working to get results at every step. However, when faced with an error, its disadvantages begin to become evident, such as that to make corrections we must apply a product to the blade, ruining hopes of a perfect finish.

Importance of line spacing

The importance of line spacing in a text document is very great and varies according to several factors, such as the person who will read it and the type of content .

By the way, the practice of increasing line spacing in order to appear longer is totally discouraged. In fact, any extreme in this value can undermine the aesthetics of the document. Balance arises when we make it legible and its appearance pleasant and impressive.