Definition of



An exchange involves a reciprocal exchange of something for something else.

In order to know the meaning of the term exchange , it is necessary, first of all, to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can emphasize that it is a word that derives from Latin, specifically it is the result of the union of several lexical components:

-The prefix «inter-«, which is used to indicate «between».

-The noun "cambius", which can be translated as "change."

What is an exchange?

The act and result of exchanging is called exchange : making a reciprocal exchange of one element for another. When an exchange occurs, therefore, something is given and something else is received.

For example: "In the summer I will travel to the United States for an academic exchange," "There was no exchange of blows until the third round of the fight," "The exchange of letters between the writer and his lover continued for half a century."

Among the words that can function as a synonym for exchange we find barter, exchange, substitution, smuggling, trade, barter or reciprocity, for example.

Different types of operation

There are multiple types of exchange. Trade , in fact, is an exchange of goods , where money is another good that allows mediation between various products.

Before the development of commercial activity, barter existed. This practice consisted of the exchange of objects without money as a mediator . A person could deliver three kilograms of corn and receive a chicken in exchange, to name one possibility.

With the appearance of currency , the exchange of very different goods was encouraged and the development of the market was favored.


Through an academic exchange, a student temporarily settles in a country other than their own to learn its language and culture.

academic exchange

An academic exchange , on the other hand, is a program that allows a student to settle in a different country to learn its culture and language.

Initially, the exchange implied that, while a young man settled in a family home from another nation, his own relatives welcomed a foreign boy into their home. Currently, however, student exchanges can be carried out without a counterpart.

The concept in sexuality

In the same way, we cannot ignore that there is also what is known as partner exchange . Basically it consists of the members of one couple meeting with other couples to proceed to have sexual relations with each other. So, for example, the man of one of those couples will have sex with the woman of the other couple.

In recent years there has been a notable increase in this action, so much so that there are even places where couples or boyfriends are allowed to maintain intimate relationships with other people, whether they have a partner or who are single.

If there are those who defend this practice, it is because they consider that among its advantages are breaking sentimental monotony, making desire and passion grow, promoting trust within the couple and even improving communication. Not to mention that learning new things in sex is also encouraged.

The idea of ​​road interchange , finally, is used in Peru to name the intersection sector in different directions of avenues of various levels.