Definition of

Social interaction

Four people in canoe, paddling

Cooperation is a form of social interaction of two or more people with a common goal.

Social interaction is the process by which people act and react in relation to others in their environment. It involves the exchange of information, emotions and behaviors, and can be carried out through verbal communication and non-verbal communication. It is essential for the formation and maintenance of human relationships and for the construction of society.

Types of social interaction

Types of social interaction can be categorized into several main types, each with distinctive characteristics and different impacts on social relationships and structures.


People work together to achieve a common goal. This type of interaction is based on collaboration and mutual support. Examples : Teamwork, community development, group activities at school.

Social conflict

It is characterized by competition and confrontation. People or groups fight for resources, power or recognition. Examples : labor conflicts, sports rivalries, political disputes.

Exchange interaction

It involves the exchange of goods, services or favors between individuals or groups. It is based on reciprocity and mutual benefit. Examples : Business relationships, barter, favors between friends.

Social competence

People or groups compete for a goal that cannot be shared. Although similar to conflictual interaction, competition can be less aggressive and more structured. Examples : academic skills, sports, job applications.

Accommodation interaction

It refers to the adjustments and agreements that people or groups make to peacefully coexist and resolve conflicts. Examples : negotiation , peace agreements, trade agreements.

symbolic interaction

Emphasizes the use of symbols and shared meanings in communication . It is fundamental in the construction of social reality and social identity. Examples : body language , gestures, social rituals.

Social influence interaction

It involves the ability of a person or group to influence attitudes, beliefs, or social behavior. Examples : leadership, propaganda, advertising, marketing .

Two children reading a book sitting on the grass

Social interaction is essential for communication and the formation of interpersonal ties.

Importance of social interaction

Social interaction is fundamental for human development and social cohesion. People learn norms, cultural values ​​and behaviors that are essential for life in society.

Social interaction encourages communication, cooperation and conflict resolution, which contributes to the construction of solid work and personal relationships. Additionally, it is crucial for emotional and psychological well-being, providing support, a sense of belonging to groups, and opportunities for self-expression and personal growth. It is the fabric that keeps communities together and allows the harmonious functioning of society .


Communication is an essential component in social interaction, as it allows the exchange of ideas, feelings and information between individuals. For it to be effective, it is important to overcome certain barriers, practice active listening and cultivate empathy.

Communication barriers

  • Physical : tangible obstacles such as noise, distance or a poor technological connection;
  • psychological : emotional and mental states such as anxiety, anger or stress that can prevent understanding;
  • linguistic : differences in language, jargon or specific terminologies that may cause misunderstandings;
  • cultural : differences in cultural norms, values, and expectations that can lead to incorrect interpretations;
  • perceptual : individual perceptions and prejudices that can distort the message received.

active listening

A crucial skill for effective communication. It involves paying attention intentionally and without prejudice to the interlocutor, demonstrating interest and understanding.

The keys to active listening include:

  • total attention : focus all attention on the speaker without distractions;
  • paraphrasing : repeating in your own words what the other has said to ensure understanding;
  • feedback : provide verbal and non-verbal responses that show you are following the conversation ;
  • avoid interruptions : let the interlocutor finish his message without interrupting.


The ability to understand and share another person's feelings. In communication, empathy allows:

  • emotional connection : create a stronger and more understanding bond with the interlocutor;
  • conflict resolution : understanding others' perspectives to deal with disagreements constructively;
  • emotional support : showing that we understand and value each other's feelings;
  • relationship improvement : foster healthier and more satisfying relationships both personally and professionally.
Executive woman at her desk

In certain settings, social interaction requires compliance with certain norms, including the characteristics of accepted dress.

Rules and etiquette

Social norms are implicit or explicit rules and expectations that govern the behavior of people within a society or group. They can vary by culture , community and context, and play a crucial role in regulating behavior, promoting order and social cohesion . Social norms can include things like respect for others, honesty, courtesy, and responsibility.

Social etiquette

The conventions and accepted behaviors in face-to-face interactions within various social contexts. Etiquette varies significantly between cultures and situations, but generally includes:

  • greet appropriately : depending on the cultural context, such as shaking hands, bowing, or giving a kiss on the cheek;
  • table manners : following specific rules during meals, such as the correct use of utensils, not talking with your mouth full, and waiting until everyone has helped themselves before beginning to eat;
  • Appropriate attire : depending on the occasion, whether formal, casual or traditional;
  • respect for personal spaces : maintain an appropriate distance when interacting with others and respect their privacy;
  • polite conversation : speak respectfully, listen actively, and avoid controversial or inappropriate topics in certain contexts.

online etiquette

Also known as netiquette , online etiquette encompasses the appropriate norms and behaviors in the digital environment. Since online communication lacks non-verbal cues, it is essential to follow certain guidelines to maintain respectful and effective interactions:

  • respect and courtesy : treating others with kindness and consideration, avoiding insults, offensive language or derogatory comments;
  • clarity in communication : be clear and concise in messages, using correct grammar and spelling to avoid misunderstandings;
  • privacy and confidentiality : respecting the privacy of others, not sharing personal information without permission and taking care of confidentiality in private communications;
  • no to spam : avoid sending unsolicited messages, excessive advertising or irrelevant content;
  • constructive engagement : contributing positively on forums, social media, and emails, offering helpful feedback and avoiding troll behavior;
  • in video conferencing : maintain a professional environment, dress appropriately, and pay attention during the meeting .