Definition of


In the Latin word "insomnium" is where we can establish that the etymological origin of the term insomnia that concerns us now is found. It means "lack of sleep at bedtime" and is the result of the sum of several Latin lexical components:

-The prefix «in-«, which is equivalent to «no» and «sin».

-The noun "somnus", which is synonymous with "sleep".

-The suffix "-io", which is used to indicate "relative to".

The notion of insomnia refers to problems falling asleep when it is time to sleep . The concept also refers to wakefulness (the state of one who is awake or awake).

Other words that can act as synonyms for insomnia are sleeplessness, sleeplessness, nervousness and restlessness. On the contrary, its antonyms include sleep and tranquility.

InsomniaThe idea of ​​insomnia, therefore, refers to difficulty falling asleep or the absence of sleep . This disturbance can have multiple causes, from restlessness or worries to illness .

Insomnia can be understood in different ways. Whoever goes to bed with the aim of sleeping and cannot do so suffers from insomnia, but this problem also affects the person who cannot maintain sleep (and wakes up numerous times throughout the night) and the subject who stays awake in middle of the morning and can't go back to sleep.

Insomnia can be caused by psychiatric diseases such as depression or anxiety disorders and by chronic diseases such as heart failure, asthma or COPD. Also due to sleep disorders, such as apnea syndrome, or due to certain habits (caffeine consumption, irregular schedules, etc.). There are even medications that cause insomnia.

It is possible to differentiate between acute insomnia (which lasts a short time and is usually due to stress ) and chronic insomnia (which lasts more than a month). Chronic insomnia is usually a consequence or symptom of another problem.

Among the effects of insomnia, fatigue , memory disorders , attention deficit and irritability appear. To treat this scourge, the doctor may suggest a new routine or prescribe different types of drugs. If insomnia is due to an underlying illness, the professional will first indicate treatment for that illness.

Among the home tricks that exist to deal with occasional insomnia are exercising daily, eating dinner early, not drinking coffee or tea in the afternoon or drinking an infusion in the middle of the afternoon. Among the most recommended infusions in this sense are those of valerian, California poppy or passionflower.

Likewise, we have to establish the existence of a film titled "Insomnia." It was released in 2002, is part of the thriller genre and is directed by filmmaker Christopher Nolan. This film is of American origin, which has actors of the caliber of Al Pacino, Robin Williams and Hilary Swank in its cast. It tells the story of a police officer who, in pursuit of the murderer of a teenager, ends up accidentally killing his co-worker.