Definition of


Water and oil

The oil is insoluble in water.

The idea of ​​insoluble , coming from the Latin language ( insolubĭlis ), refers to that which cannot be dissolved . The verb dissolve, on the other hand, refers to breaking up a compound through the dissociation of its components or, more specifically, to separating the particles that are introduced into a liquid so that they are incorporated into it .

When something can be dissolved, it is classified as soluble . Solubility , therefore, is a quality of these substances, which dissolve in other materials called solvents .

On the contrary, substances that do not dissolve are mentioned as insoluble. It is important to note that solubility is linked to various factors, such as pressure and temperature .

water and oil

Oil , for example, is insoluble in water . If we put both liquids in a bottle and shake it, we will not be able to create a homogeneous mixture: we will always notice that the two substances remain separate.

This is because each water molecule has a negative pole and a positive pole, while oil lacks polarity (it is neutral). In this way, the oil does not dissolve in water since it registers neither repulsion nor attraction for its molecules.

The insoluble as what cannot be resolved

The concept of insoluble is also used with respect to that which cannot be clarified or resolved . An economist, to cite one case, can maintain that the problem of unemployment is insoluble in a region due to the particular characteristics of the market .

A sociologist, meanwhile, can consider that violence in an unequal society is also an insoluble scourge.

Synonyms of each meaning

Since this word has two well-defined meanings, its synonyms should be grouped into two separate lists. With respect to the idea that takes place in the field of chemistry , we can replace it with inseparable, indissoluble, resistant and firm .

For its meaning as "something impossible to solve", meanwhile, we have impenetrable, impossible, unsolvable, incomprehensible and indecipherable . The most used antonym for the first case is soluble ; in the second, explainable and decipherable can be used.

insoluble fibers

Cabbage is a food with insoluble fiber.

insoluble fibers

This concept also appears in the gastronomic field and is of great interest to nutrition experts. We speak of dietary fibers to refer to a group of components that the human digestive system is not capable of digesting and, therefore, cause very important effects on the body. They can be divided into soluble and insoluble fibers, according to their degree of solubility in water, and each subgroup has different properties.

To know which one is best for us in each case and in which food to find it, we will see below some relevant data and their main differences. Broadly speaking, we can say that the best-known soluble fibers are mucilage, gums and pectins, while the insoluble fibers that stand out are hemicellulose, lignin and cellulose.

The foods in which we can find insoluble fiber are nuts, grapes, broccoli, cabbage, chard, spinach, seeds , wheat bran and lettuce. The soluble, on the other hand, is present in carrots, citrus fruits, apples and barley.

Cholesterol control

Insoluble fibers are very effective in controlling blood cholesterol levels, thanks to their union with bile acids to enhance their excretion. Of those mentioned above, the most recommended in this case is lignin. Constipation is another condition that can be treated through the consumption of insoluble fiber.

On the other hand, soluble fiber produces a delay in gastric emptying, thanks to which the period between each meal and the rise in blood glucose is reduced. Individuals who need to control glucose levels may find soluble fiber an ideal product.