Definition of



The anomalous or strange can be mentioned as unusual.

The etymological origin of the term unusual is found in Latin. Specifically, it emanates from the word insolitus , which is the result of the sum of two lexical components of that language: the prefix in- , which means “not” or “without”, and the adjective solitus , which can be translated as “accustomed”. ”.

The adjective unusual allows you to describe that which is anomalous, unheard of or infrequent . The unusual, due to its characteristics, attracts attention and does not go unnoticed .

Examples, synonyms and antonyms of unusual

Examples of uses of the concept: “The local team lost due to an unusual mistake by their goalkeeper” , “The unusual response of the president to the question of a journalist who questioned him about the allegations of corruption surprised the public” , “Unusual: a man who had escaped from prison wanted to renew his identity document and was recaptured while doing the procedure.”

Among the synonyms of the word unusual are unaccustomed, unusual, infrequent, rare, strange and unusual . On the contrary, among its antonyms we can emphasize words such as old, ordinary, frequent, normal or usual .

Let's imagine that an actor goes to the presentation of a movie in a bathing suit . While all his classmates wear formal clothes, he wears a leotard and a t-shirt. The chroniclers, in this situation, refer to the unusual look of this celebrity.

Let us now take the case of an employer who, after talking with an employee, decides to fire him. The reason: the worker told him that he liked electronic music , a genre that the employer hates. For this unusual reason, the subject lost his job .


The unusual usually provokes surprise.

I miss him

In short, everything that is strange, extravagant, unusual or absurd can be classified as unusual. Whenever something escapes logic or the usual, it is possible to use this qualification.

There is a book, titled “The Book of Unusual Facts” , which is written by Gregorio Doval and which precisely brings the reader closer to truly rare cases in history. Thus, for example, there is talk of the Cummins couple who had five children and that each of these was born on February 20, of course, in different years.

In the same way, the case of three ship sinkings that occurred in 1664 , 1785 and 1860 is also presented. In all of them, all the people traveling died except for one. This is a curious fact, but the most unusual thing is that in those three shipwrecks the only survivor was called Hugh Williams .

In this work the presence that the number 13 had in the life of the composer Richard Wagner is also presented as something unusual. And, among other curiosities in this regard, he was born in 1813, began his musical career at the age of 13, composed 13 works and died on February 13, 1883.

«Unusual Weekly» and «Unusual Women»

“Semanario insólito” , on the other hand, is the name of a television program from Argentina that was broadcast between 1982 and 1983 . Raúl Becerra , Adolfo Castelo , Raúl Portal and Virginia Hanglin were the leaders of this proposal that created a new style, combining news with satire and humor .

“Unusual Women” , finally, is the title of a Spanish TV series. In 1977 , TVE broadcast its eight episodes, focused on female personalities who made history .