Innovative is an adjective that allows us to describe one or that thing that innovates : that is, that introduces new things. Innovation is considered to contribute to the advancement of society through changes and improvements.
There are innovative people in all areas, from science to art, business and sports. Creativity is the distinctive feature of pioneers who manage to generate disruptive ideas and modify reality.
Innovative concept
Innovative is a term whose etymological root is found in the Latin language. The word innovator is formed with the components in- (which refers to "being inside" ), novus (translatable as "new" ) and -tor (linked to someone who does something).
The current meaning, however, comes from French. In the 17th century, the idea of innovateur began to be used to name individuals who promoted reflection on the changes that were occurring in politics, especially questioning the precepts established by ecclesiastical authorities. Later, the word became associated with the subject who, thanks to his ability and knowledge, managed to modify his field of activity or his field with a novel vision.
Today it is understood that someone innovative is capable of reforming, renewing, updating or even revolutionizing their field. It could be a scientist, a technician, a businessman, a politician or an artist , to name a few possibilities.
Similar notions
As you can see, the adjective innovative is similar to other terms that are often used as equivalents. Depending on the context and certain nuances, we can talk about innovators, inventors , creators , etc.
The innovator is the one who manages to establish a change. The inventor, for his part, creates something new , which is why he is a creator. Of course, that invention can introduce a modification, for which reason it is responsible for an innovative inventor (or an innovative inventor).
Those who manage to carry out their innovation, materializing it in a specific product or service, are also entrepreneurs . The central characteristic of the entrepreneur is that he manages to obtain the funds or the means to introduce his idea to the market. It must be taken into account that not all entrepreneurs are innovative.
Characteristics of someone innovative
The innovative person provides a novel solution thanks to their futuristic vision , which allows them to generate a unique proposal from an original idea. Although everyone has their own method and strategy, study and experimentation are usually the resources that allow them to innovate.
It can be stated, therefore, that talent , skill and training are combined in the innovator. Of course, you have to have responsibility, perseverance and other qualities so that your thoughts are finally translated into reality.
This step to reality requires various steps that go beyond the innovative capacity of the individual. It is necessary to create a prototype , develop a business model and register a patent , for example, before landing on the market.
Its social importance
Innovative women and men are highly valued at a social level . Although sometimes it takes a while for their ideas to be accepted or understood, the positive changes they produce end up being applauded given their relevance.
To promote these advances , the State usually invests in research and development (R&D) . Public funds are key in the development of a disruptive technology, especially in the stages prior to its commercialization.
Still, since a technological breakthrough or revolutionary product is potentially big business, companies also invest in laboratories to foster innovation. It must be considered that an innovation provides added value and allows us to differentiate ourselves from the competition .
In addition, there are financing tools with risk capital to solve the tasks of innovative scientists and incubators and accelerators to promote the growth and consolidation of projects.
Examples of innovative entrepreneurs
Over the years a large number of entrepreneurs were recognized as innovators. Their entrepreneurial spirit and tendency to think laterally to reach novel conclusions gave them a special status.
In the technology sector, figures such as Steve Jobs , Larry Page , Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg aroused admiration for their creations, several of which have changed the lives of the world's population.
It cannot be overstated, however, that innovations generally do not arise from nothing or from scratch. Many of the products and services that are distinguished by their originality are, in reality, an evolution of previous developments .
In the 21st century , innovative scientists, technicians and entrepreneurs are contributing to discoveries and launches linked to artificial intelligence, augmented reality, the Internet of Things (IoT) and automation, among many other issues. Their contributions would not be possible if other people had not laid the necessary foundations for progress long ago. Knowledge , in short, is socially constructed even when prodigious or advanced minds seem to come from the future .