Definition of



The immediate is done or happens without any temporal delay.

Immediate is an adjective that is used to name something that happens immediately, without any delay , or something that is very close or adjacent to something or someone . For example: "After receiving the notice, the police officer immediately ran to the house to help the victims" , "The fall of the veteran actress prompted immediate assistance from the public, who helped her get back on her feet" , " Last night there was a fire in the immediate area, so we still suffer from the smell of smoke .

Even Latin would have to go in order to find the etymological origin of the term that concerns us now. Specifically, it derives from immediatus , which is made up of two different parts: the prefix im- , which indicates "without" , and the word medius , which is synonymous with "intermediary or what is in between" .

The immediate

Immediacy, therefore, may be a temporary issue . There is no precise definition of what is immediate, but rather it is associated with what happens without delay.

If a woman burns herself while cooking and, at that very moment , decides to go to the hospital , it can be said that she went in search of medical assistance immediately. On the other hand, if you prefer to finish cooking and have dinner before going to the doctor, your response to the burn will not have been immediate.


The idea can immediately refer to physical or geographical proximity.

Physical proximity

The use of the concept immediately in reference to physical proximity is usually more accurate, since it allows indicating contiguity. A store is immediate to another when it is next to it: if there are three other commercial premises in the middle, it will be said to be close, but not immediate.

At great distances , however, the meaning expands. It is possible to say that a waterfall is immediate to a stream even when it is several hundred meters away, since there is no other attraction or geographical feature located between them.

Locutions with the immediate term

There is, in the same way, a significant number of expressions or locutions that resort to the use of the term in question. Among the most important that are used in various regions, the following stand out:

Get to the immediate ones . It is used within any war conflict to refer to the fact that the most critical, difficult and complicated moment of the conflict is being reached.

Give someone immediate advice . It consists of developing a speech or carrying out certain actions that not only leave a person without a response but also convince them.

Other uses of the notion

We cannot ignore that there is also what is known as immediate history . This is a term used to name the historiographic discipline whose clear objective is to study and analyze what would be the present history or the current world.

There is also immediate translation , which is a translation that is carried out simultaneously in several languages.

And within the field of dentistry, there is what is called immediate loading . This is an action that consists of placing, at the time of the implant, the corresponding prosthesis as well or, at most, within a maximum period of 72 hours from when it was placed.