Definition of



The money that remains in the possession of an individual or a company is called income.

Entry is the action of entering or the space through which one enters . The term has its etymological origin in the Latin ingressus ,

For example: “Entry is prohibited for those under 18 years of age” , “Before a crowd that cheered him, the tennis player had a triumphant entry into the stadium” , “Excuse me, entry is through the other door” , “With entry of García instead of Ramírez, the team returned to the field of play.”

income in the economy

In an economic sense, income is the funds that come into the possession of a person or an organization . A subject can receive income ( money ) for his or her work, commercial or productive activity: “I work ten hours a day but the income is not enough for me,” “The strong demand allowed us to increase the company's income and increase salaries,” “ “I would like to save to buy a car but, with this income, it is almost impossible.”

In this framework, it is important to establish that the term we are analyzing is always used in contrast to what would be its antonym: expenses . Thus, both elements are used to determine whether a person's professional activity is profitable or not. To do this, all the expenses you have made are added on the one hand and the income on the other hand. Then you will proceed to subtract both figures to see if you have obtained benefits, if you will be able to save, or if, on the contrary, you have lost money.

In a capitalist economy , the level of income is associated with the quality of life . The higher the income, the more consumption and savings . On the other hand, with little or no income, families cannot satisfy their material needs.

Different types

The income of a State is known as public income and is generated from the collection of taxes, the sale or rental of properties, the issuance of bonds and the profits of public companies, among other activities. These incomes allow the development of public spending.

Among the different classifications of income, we can mention ordinary income (obtained in a habitual and predictable manner, such as a salary) and extraordinary income (received from a special event, such as a monetary gift).


When a person enters a hospital, it is common for them to receive an admission form.

Entry in the field of health and work

We must also emphasize that the notion of admission is widely used in the hospital setting. Thus, when a person goes to the emergency department of a hospital, an admission form is made that establishes their personal data, the time at which they entered the health center and the illness with which they arrived.

In the same way, the word admission is also used when it comes to mentioning that a specific person has gone to the hospital because they are going to undergo a surgical intervention and previously have to appear there to have them performed. some tests and to be assigned a bed.

All this without overlooking that the term is also used to make it clear that a person has started working in a company or has been admitted to an educational center where they will continue their training in order to achieve a good future.