Definition of

Environmental engineering


Environmental engineering investigates environmental problems.

Environmental engineering is the branch of engineering that is dedicated to studying environmental problems . This discipline seeks sustainable development without neglecting issues linked to ecology , economy and social issues.

It should be noted that engineering is the science that is responsible for the study and application of technology and different knowledge. Its purpose is to translate ideas into practice to satisfy different human needs.

The emergence of environmental engineering took place in Ancient Rome , when humans began to realize that their health depended on the conditions of the environment. Modern environmental engineering, as we know it today, developed in the mid- 19th century in England .

The work of the environmental engineering specialist

The specialist in this matter (the environmental engineer ) must anticipate and interpret the impacts of human activity on the environment . Its function is to prevent damage from occurring and, if it has already occurred, to analyze ways to reverse it. Its goal, ultimately, is to help maintain the ecological balance of the planet for current and future generations.

That is to say, for all this we can make it clear that the final and primary objective of environmental engineering is none other than to ensure that all human beings have a better quality of life , which in this way we will bequeath to our future generations.

Their work and its importance mean that any environmental engineer currently has the possibility of finding employment in a multitude of areas and spaces. Thus, for example, there are those who carry out their work in non-governmental organizations, there are other environmental engineers who do the same in industrial companies and there are those who, for their part, depend on the Public Administration, at any of its levels.

However, any professional of this type can also perform their functions within institutions dedicated to research, in the field of teaching, especially at universities, in consulting companies, health companies or in companies focused on offering services.

Renewable energy

Environmental engineering promotes sustainable development .

Your training

In order to achieve their objectives, it is necessary for any environmental engineer to be trained to carry out the design of plants for water treatment, studies on environmental impact, environmental solutions, planning for the sustainable use of the environment in a specific place or environmental policy proposals.

But not only that, this expert must also be qualified to undertake control measures for various polluting processes, supervise the different environmental processes, manage environmental facilities or monitor the natural resources found in a specific area.

Environmental engineering and environmental protection

The field of action of the environmental engineer includes effluent and waste treatment, waste management , agricultural production, forest protection and environmental consulting to companies and governments .

Today, the degradation of the environment due to human actions makes the tasks and obligations of environmental engineers more important than ever. The studies and predictions of these specialists are necessary for the future of the Earth .