Definition of


The first thing we have to establish is that the etymological origin of the term in question is found in Latin. Specifically, it is the result of the sum of two lexical components of said language:

-The prefix «infra-«, which can be translated as «below».

-The adjective "russus", which is synonymous with "deep red".

In the same way, it must be emphasized that it is equivalent to the English term "infrared", which was coined by a renowned astronomer, physicist and inventor of American origin. We are referring to Samuel Pierpont Langley (1834 – 1906), who has also gone down in history for being a pioneer in the field of aviation and for creating the bolometer, which is a device that is responsible for measuring the total amount of radiation. electromagnetic.

Infrared is an adjective used in the field of physics . The term refers to electromagnetic radiation whose wave length is greater than red (the color that appears first within the light spectrum).

InfraredIt should be remembered that electromagnetic radiation combines electric fields and magnetic fields that oscillate and propagate, transferring energy . These fields generate waves that travel at the speed of light .

Infrared radiation , in this framework, has a longer wavelength than visible light . This longer wave makes the frequency of infrared waves lower than the frequency of visible light (since frequency is the magnitude that reflects the number of repetitions of a periodic event per unit of time).

The wavelength range of infrared radiation is between 0.7 and 1,000 micrometers . From shortest to longest wavelength , a distinction can be made between near-infrared, mid-infrared and far-infrared.

It is important to mention that matter always emits radiation. In the case of living beings, a large part of the radiation occurs in the infrared spectrum due to body heat. In this way, there are night vision systems that, when the luminosity is not sufficient, record the infrared radiation of bodies and reflect it on a screen. The hottest elements are the most luminous.

In the field of physiotherapy we have to indicate that infrared radiation is also used. Specifically, it is used primarily through lamps that generate superficial heat on different areas of the patient's body in order to carry out different treatments to cure their ailments and conditions.

This type of radiation is considered to be very beneficial because it has a clear anti-inflammatory effect, because it relaxes what is known as smooth muscles, because it considerably relieves pain and even because it has decontracting effects.

Precisely for these advantages and many others, said infrared radiation is used to treat diseases or pathologies such as osteoarthritis, low back pain or contractures.

Infrared is also used in remote controls , which use these waves to avoid interfering with other signals. In light from optical fibers , on the other hand, infrared is also usually used.