Concept of



Information can be accessed through different channels.

Information is made up of a group of data that has already been supervised and organized , which are used to construct a message based on a certain phenomenon or entity. Information allows us to solve problems and make decisions, since its rational use is the basis of knowledge .

Therefore, another perspective tells us that information is a resource that gives meaning or sense to reality, since through codes and data sets, it gives rise to human thought models.

The importance of information

There are various species that communicate through the transmission of information for their survival ; the difference for human beings lies in the ability that man has to create codes and symbols with complex meanings , which make up the common language for coexistence in society .

Data is perceived through the senses and, once integrated, ends up generating the information needed to produce knowledge. Wisdom is considered to be the ability to properly judge when, how, where and for what purpose the acquired knowledge is used.

Experts say that there is an inseparable link between information, data, knowledge, thought and language .

Storage methods

Throughout history , the way information is stored and accessed has varied. In the Middle Ages , the main collection was found in libraries that were set up, operated and preserved in monasteries. From the Modern Age onwards, thanks to the birth of the printing press , books began to be mass produced and newspapers emerged.


For several centuries, books were the main source of information.

Already in the 20th century , mass media ( television , radio ) and digital tools that led to the development of the Internet appeared.

Information according to different authors

Idalberto Chiavenato claimed that information consists of a set of data that have a meaning, in such a way that they reduce uncertainty and increase the knowledge of whoever approaches to look at them. These data are available for immediate use and serve to clarify uncertainties about certain topics.

Ferrell and Hirt , for their part, say that such data and knowledge are strictly linked to improving our decision-making . If an individual is well informed about an issue, his or her decision on the matter will surely be more accurate than if he or she is not.

Other authors who have defined information are Czinkota and Kotabe , who say that it consists of a set of data that have been classified and ordered for a specific purpose .

By combining all the theories on the concept, we come to the conclusion that they are data on a particular event or phenomenon that, when organized in a context, serve to reduce uncertainty and increase knowledge on a specific topic.

Classification according to type

There are many types of information, some of them are:

Meteorological information gathers data on temperature, precipitation and data that refer to the climate of an area. It is used to predict the weather in a place. Those in charge of organizing this information are called meteorologists.

Financial information is the set of data on a market economy that allows for the establishment of economic parameters, the analysis of a country's economic strength and the prediction of operations that should be carried out.

Information can also be obtained through study material on specific topics, such as documentaries, history books, sociology, mathematics, etc., which allow doubts to be resolved and offer clear definitions of the concepts you wish to study.