Definition of


InflammationThe etymology of inflammation takes us to the Latin word inflammatio . The notion refers to the act and result of becoming inflamed or inflamed : causing swelling and redness; heat; turn on an element.

The most common use of the concept is linked to the pathological alteration of any sector of the body that is caused by a disorder in blood circulation. The inflamed part swells, takes on a reddish color, increases in temperature and usually causes pain.

Inflammation is the body's response to aggression . It can be the manifestation of various diseases : with inflammation, the body tries to isolate the agent that causes damage and repair the affected organ or tissue.

As a reaction of the innate immune system, inflammation is a process that is triggered when a pathogen attacks . This defensive mechanism can be directed at what causes evil, but also at other agents that are not actually harmful.

Inflammation is caused by a biological agent (such as a virus or bacteria ), a chemical agent (a poison ), a physical agent ( heat , cold ), an immune or vascular alteration , or trauma , to name a few of the possibilities. A doctor must analyze each case and determine the steps to follow.

The drug used to prevent or reduce inflammation is called anti-inflammatory . These medications usually inhibit or make impossible the biosynthesis of certain mediating agents. Beyond drugs, there are actions that also help combat inflammation, such as applying cold or elevating a swollen limb.

Homemade medicine or the use of natural products to take advantage of their properties in the treatment of different disorders is very popular, and through the Internet it spreads more intensely than ever. Although not all information in this regard is reliable, we cannot deny the healing power of nature ; After all, animals take advantage of it just as our ancestors did when the medicine on which we depend so much today had not yet emerged.

InflammationAmong the products that can act as anti-inflammatories are some plants and spices, as well as certain foods. One of the most used and effective is turmeric , a spice whose origin is found in the Asian continent that improves our meals with its characteristic orange color but also allows us to do without ibuprofen in the face of various ailments.

In addition to being effective in the treatment of certain inflammations, ginger has very effective antioxidant and analgesic properties, ideal for treating infections and for the body's detoxification processes. To consume it, it is possible to prepare an infusion by combining 20 grams of turmeric, three tablespoons of honey and three cups of water.

Ginger is another of the most used natural products for inflammation. It is a highly prized root for this and other of its properties, such as its effectiveness in treating joint pain. It is also recommended to keep the throat healthy, in case of nausea and vomiting. Using it is very easy, since we can eat the root directly or buy it in powder form, add it to a tea or prepare a special infusion with two tablespoons of honey and two glasses of water.

If it is about reducing inflammation, flax seeds cannot be missing either, which we can buy in natural stores such as herbalists at an affordable price. The secret of its success is found in Omega-3, which serves to strengthen the immune system and helps us fight many of the infections that form around the joints.