Definition of


The Latin word inaestimabĭlis came to our language as inestimable . This is what is described as something that, given its enormous value, is impossible to estimate adequately .

We can establish that this Latin word is the result of the sum of several lexical components of said language:

-The prefix “in-”, which is equivalent to “no” and “sin”.

-The verb “aestimare”, which can be translated as “value”, “consider” and “appreciate”.

-The suffix “-able”, which is used to indicate “possibility”.

InvaluableFor example: “The contribution of this coach to football in our country is invaluable and goes far beyond the titles” , “The actor managed to get ahead with the invaluable help of his closest friends, who accompanied him at all times” , “To carry out this initiative we have the invaluable work of a dozen volunteers.”

Among the words that must be indicated that can function as synonyms for inestimable, we find some such as incalculable, superb, superior, unique, priceless or even magnificent. On the contrary, among its antonyms we have to highlight words such as appreciable, calculable, imperfect or negligible, among others.

Suppose that a writer, when presenting his new novel , refers to his wife's invaluable support in completing the project. The man commented that his partner read the drafts, suggested changes and made corrections, in addition to accompanying him throughout the writing process.

On the other hand, in the context of a natural disaster, rescuers manage to save the lives of hundreds of people, working day and night with great sacrifice. That is why the government appreciates their commitment and affirms that these rescuers did invaluable work : there is no way to quantify the value of the actions they carried out.

In the same way, a politician who has had to face the management of a pandemic as president of his country can make it known publicly that in this work both the work of experts in epidemiology and of scientists and of health professionals who have been caring for patients.

Sometimes, the concept is used to refer to issues that can be defined with figures, although very high or difficult to establish precisely. In this context, economists, sociologists and historians maintain that a country's external debt is inestimable . This qualification is associated with the magnitude of the amount owed, which in any case should be able to be quantified through documentation. Without documents that serve to detail and demonstrate the debt, payments will always be irregular.

Furthermore, we have to establish that in the field of literature we find different works that have the term in question in their titles. A good example of this is, for example, the novel “Inestimable”, which was published in 2014 and is written by Raine Miller.

The story revolves around the figure of Lord Ivan, an aristocrat and Olympic champion in archery who keeps many secrets, even from his loved ones, and which may come to light when he falls madly in love with a woman.