Definition of



The idea of ​​indistinct refers to what cannot be distinguished from something else: "It is indistinct to me what wine to drink, I like both white and red."

The notion of indistinct allows us to name what cannot be distinguished from anything else . The concept , which derives from the Latin word indistinctus , also refers to that which is not clearly perceived .

For example: "The company is looking for three people to incorporate into its commercial department: the gender is indistinct, it is only required that they have completed their secondary studies" , "I grew up speaking both Spanish and Italian, so it is indistinct for me to express myself in one or the other." another language” , “For me it doesn't matter who the team's scorer is, the only thing that interests me is getting the victory” .

Examples of use of the term indistinct

Suppose a young man invites his girlfriend to his house for dinner. The boy tells him that he can offer him both white wine and red wine and asks him to choose. The girl responds by assuring him that she likes both, which is why one or the other makes no difference to her. With this response, the woman is implying that she has no preference: she can drink either type of wine.

The idea of ​​indistinct usually appears in job search ads . If a company indicates that it wants to hire an employee of either gender , what it is signaling is that it does not care about the sex or gender of the worker, but will analyze other issues before defining the hiring.

Human beings

When gender is indistinct, men or women can be considered.

A type of deposit

In the banking field, an indistinct deposit is one created in the name of two or more individuals or entities.

In this way, any of those responsible can use the funds, making a partial or total withdrawal .

Synonyms and antonyms of indistinct

The indistinct term is quite common in everyday speech, although there are several synonyms that we can use to avoid redundancies, something that is especially unsightly in the literary field; Let's look at some of them below: undifferentiated, imperceptible, indistinguishable, indefinite , indifferent and confusing .

Of all the synonyms just mentioned, the most used as an alternative to indistinct is indifferent , although it also has another meaning that is not compatible: "that does not arouse affection or interest in someone." For example, we can find the following sentence: "No matter how hard I try, I can't get my boss to pay attention to me: she is indifferent to me."

Precisely, the adjective indistinct is used exclusively for things, while indifferent also serves to describe the attitude of a person or an animal. In short, we cannot say that "someone has been indifferent to us" although it is correct to rewrite the example of the company that is looking for personnel saying that " gender is indifferent."

Regarding the antonyms of indistinct we can mention the following: different, diverse, unequal, disparate, special, clear, express, clear and distinct . As usually happens in many cases, neither synonyms nor antonyms are words with the exact same meaning as the original, but sometimes they serve to replace it only in some contexts and other times they provide us with complementary nuances that give us a broader idea. of its definition.

Among the antonyms that we have listed is one that is quite particular, since it is the adjective that is part of the structure of indistinct : distinct . If we study the etymology of the term, we see that it is formed by putting the prefix in- in front of said adjective, which denotes a negative meaning since it serves to express the value opposite to that of the word it accompanies.

Let's think about two people who are looking for an apartment: the first is very demanding, so between two given options he rejects one of them because he declares them different ; The second, on the other hand, is open to either of the two, since for her they are indistinct . Something different is not the same as something else with which it is compared, it does not resemble it; If we add the prefix in- , then we find the definition of indistinct , which admits a certain group of things regardless of the differences in their values.